Responses from twoleftears
Amps with meters ... Graphic equalizers with twin rows of multi-colored LEDs bouncing up and down--now that was livin'... | |
Why do Harbeth speakers have such a cult following @mapman @pdreher's characterization of the differences aligns largely with my own, though I don't think I'd describe the SHL5s as exactly lacking body. Certainly less meat on the bone.It seems like the C7 has some family resemblance to the SHL; I... | |
Why do Harbeth speakers have such a cult following It's not 2-way vs. 3-way but rather different "families" within the Harbeth line-up. 40.2 and 30.2 are essentially cut from the same cloth. Although it appears to slot in between them, the SHL5 is really the top of the line of a different family.... | |
Time to buy a class D amp? Whenever I turn on my Class D amp, my dog goes running out of the room... | |
I loved the AR 93 - What was wrong with me? Looking on Google Images now, I don't see a mid-range driver... | |
Aesthetix Atlas Compared to Pass Labs XA30.8 You don't even mention the speakers that you're driving with the amp. That will make a big difference to any responses here... | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Gone back to Elgar, short form with Barbirolli. Intro. and allegro, Serenade... The Elegy and, especially, Sospiri are just too beautiful for words. | |
Classical Music for Aficionados On maturer reflection: it's clear that there's some compression going on in the Sony recording. This is a bad thing and a good thing. I initially warmed to it, because I was able to set one volume at the opening of the first movement, and didn't... | |
Linear tracking turntables, whatever happened? Pivoting tangential-tracker tonearm by Thales shows more promise that conventional linear tracking. | |
Speakers for Luxman NeoClassico II System Considering your budget I'd look at the J model--don't worry about all the add-on upgrades, the base J model is great. | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Finally getting around to listening to the Currentzis Mahler 6. After the overwhelming Tchaikovsky Pathetique it was a must-listen.So, not as transformative, but interesting nevertheless..Tempos are generally brisk in movements 1 and 2, with just... | |
Joseph Audio dealers There certainly isn't a dealer in DC itself or the surrounding suburbs. If there were, I'd have been there by now. Nothing in Virginia I know of; you'll have to look in Delaware, Maryland, even Pennsylvania. Did you try calling them on the phone? | |
New SR Orange fuse ... Best left to macerate for several days in the fridge before installation. | |
Wharfedale Linton Heritage 85th Anniversary Similar to a number of the old ProAc models, with off-centered tweeters.If they're close-ish to side walls, "inside" would be recommendable.If plenty of space, "outside" will probably give a wider soundstage.Really, more room to experiment (or obs... | |
I'm looking to learn about Air Motion Transformer technology So something like the Piega C711 is a real outlier. Interesting technology, though. |