

Responses from twoleftears

Why don’t tube amps sound like tubes anymore?
Many tube brands are designing their current amps to sound more like SS, precisely because many people criticized the typical older models for being, well, too "tubey". Proves you can't please all the people all the time. 
Audioquest or Kimber kable.
OP I know you said you were looking at those brands as part of some kind of trade-in part-exchange deal, but you should really look at Audio Envy, as I think someone else has already suggested. 
What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?
kenjit when did you *discuss* anything?  All you do is opine. 
What's the best integrated amp in the $1500-$2000 range?
Easy, Exposure.Though actually that would be the Belles Aria. 
Mitchum or Blackburn for the Mullard 6922?
He's just a little north-west of Croydon, between the A23 and the A24.  Where the best action movies are made. 
Covering a TV behind your speakers?
You may be surprised to discover that the best improvement may not be made by covering/damping close to and directly in front of the TV screen, especially if the screen is not absolutely flush to the wall behind it.  Invest in a couple of thesehtt... 
Harbeth 40.2
@karmapolice  My plan is to have some custom stands made that are lower than any of the ones that are commercially available. 
Anybody have the Jamo C 97 MK II?
What need is a pair of these. Jamo R 907.https://www.audiogon.com/listings/full-range-jamo-r907-red-2013-09-09-speakers-94303-east-palo-alto-ca  
CD Transports
People like the Marantz HD-CD1 as a transport and it's a CDP. 
Experience with Inakustik 3500P Power Conditioner??
See if Bob offers a bundle deal with the Inakustik 1204 power cable.  That would be the best way to go.  For a while there I thought it was actually being included but not sure of pricing. 
Any love for the Belles Aria or other recent Belles amplifier?
Anyone actually have an example of the Virtuoso at their home yet? 
DIY Power cables..Are metal end plugs better than plastic?
Some smaller companies like Cullen regularly use SonarQuest on their products. 
How Do You Remove CD Booklet/Artwork?
If the two pimples weren't there, the booklets would come flying out every time you opened the lid and people would complain.But agreed, the hinges/tabs/flanges design one of the worst in recent history.I bought a bulk box of 25 empty cases and ju... 
Room, speaker positioning and consider subs. The gear looks competent to me.+1.Room--acoustic treatment, pull the speakers out further (soundstage), but then you lose some base (consider 2 subs).  As a fourth choice, some Triode Wire Labs Spirit M... 
RMAF 2020 is Cancelled
And a new one is announced for Seattle for August 2021.  Hmmm.https://www.pacificaudiofest.com/