
Responses from twilo

Recommendation on Balanced Interconnect
Tara Labs Master Generation are fabulous interconnects. They sound sweet and smooth. 2 other interconnects I really like are, Harmonic Technology Pro Silway II'sand Sonoran PLATEAU Cactus interconnects. Here's Sonoran's site. 
Best 5 ch. amp used - 2500-3500.00 price
Get the 2 channel Adcom 5500, and the Adcom 5503. Its 200 watts for each channel. This combo sounds fantastic. Its smooth and sweet sounding. These amps are built to. 
Opinoins on SS.amps.
Adcom 5802 is the amp 
Classe compared to the Theta Dreadnaught
You can also get an Adcom 5802 or 5500 2 channel amp, and get the 5503 3 channel amp. The 5802 is 300 watts, the 5500 and 5503 are 200 watts. This is a nice combo 
Question: Does ATC have the best midrange driver?
The Proac 4 speakers used 2 ATC 3 inch dome midranges. The Proac 5 speakers used 2 7 inch Scanspeak midbases. The best midbase I ever heard, is the JM Lab midbase on the Mezzo utopias and the Utopia speakers. The other midbase that sounded incredi... 
Diural's Roman Centurion Spk:Good or already Gone?
Rt_utopia, how do you like the Roman Audio Subwoofer. 
Stands to go with B&W Nautilius 805?
Tyler acoustics makes a great stand. They also make awesome amp stands. 
best monitor for tubes?
Reference 3A MM De Capo. I heard these speakers at the Stereophile show on Antique sound singled ended tube amps. The De Capo sounded very articulate and the bass was very good. 
Any comments on Jeff Rowland Design Model 9
I agree with Tacs. How can you say the Rowland doesn't have enough power. This amp is massive. It weighs 130 pounds. There is no way in history that amp is underpowering the Avalon. 
Best Sub for Music, Under $1000
I heard last week Infinity Interlude IL120S with the Rabos equailizer. Stereophile rated this the best sub for 1000 dollars. With the rabos software done right, this sub is great. This sub lists for a 1000 dollars. This sub was really good for music 
Attention: Dunlavy Audio Labs out of business
Mgminc, the one good thing about Dunlavy, they did use Vifa and Scanspeak drivers, so there easy to get. 
Anybody heard the new Dynaudio line at CES...
Hi, I saw your post about the Dynaudio speakers that use the 2 woofers then the tweeter below the woofers. Here's a pic of the speakers you mentioned. I didn't hear these speakers,... 
Need a "short list" of best Subwoofers for M.L.'s
Martin Logan just came out with this sub that uses 3 10 inch woofers and a 400 watt amp, that the Absolute sound raved about. The name of the sub is the Descent. It lists for 2700 dollars. 
Best mid-size speaker, cost no object
Vandersteen 5 or JM Lab Mezzo Utopias would be my choice 
Belles 350A or Spectron Musician II
I'v not heard the Belles. I'm using the Spectron Musician 11 on the Dunlavy Aletha speakers. The Spectron sounds so smooth and liquid. Its one of the best sounding solid state amps i'v heard.