
Responses from twilo

JM Labs Beryllium
Jazzdude your right about the new Utopias having a much better damped cabinet making it more rigid.But I disagree with on the Sound of the Older Utopias.My friend has the JM Lab Mezzo Utopias on a Conrad Johnson 2500A Amp, Krell KBL preamp. These ... 
Recomended amps for Dunlavy SC111
Spectron Musician amp sounds great with the Dunlavy's. 
Best Digital Amps
I just saw this mod for PS Audio Amps.www.asi-audio.comAudiophile Sound innovations has just introduced a reference style Modification package for the PS Audio HCA-2 Digital amplifier.This a great sounding amplifier stock, it is a STEREOPHILE CLAS... 
Best Digital Amps
Muralman1, when you say Ear, are you talking about the Tube amps Tim Paravicini designed. Which model number for the Ears. 
Speaker to match Mark Levinson and Jeff Rowland
JM Lab Mezzo Utopias. They sound amazing 
Carver Pro ZR1600
How does this Carver amp compare to the Spectron Musician amp or the Bel Canto. 
BAT VK500 upgrade struggles
You should hear the Conrad Johnson 2500A amp. It sounds unbelievable. Its sounds like a tube amp but with nice detail. I'm using the 2500A and Krell KBL preamp on the JM Lab 920.1 speakers. What a combo. 
Does anyone have any experience with JM Labs Alto?
The best sub for the Micro Utopias is the JM Lab Electra 900 sub. It uses a 13 inch W Cone woofer and 250 watt amp. My friend is using this sub with the Micro Utopias. It blends in perfectly. He originally had the Utopia sub, but that sub was to b... 
Best power amp to match Sonus Extrema speakers
I also forgot to mention, I wouldn't use tube amps on the Extremas. The Extremas need lots of power. I'v found high powered solid state amps sound best on them. 
Best power amp to match Sonus Extrema speakers
Meridian 557 amps bridged. McCormack DNA-2 Deluxe Revision A ampTheta Digital ENTERPRISE MONO blocksLlano A-300 mono blocksClasse Cam 300 amps.  
SF Guarneri Homage or SF Extrema?
The Extremas are much better. There fuller and richer sounding. The Extremas make anything else I ever listened to pale into the far distance. They have an impact that will stop your pacemaker. A realism that is scary, soundstaging that is so holo... 
Opera Audio Consonance reference 2,2 CdD Player
Does the Opera CD player play CDRs. 
Krell Master Reference Amplifier
Lamm 2.1 sounds incredible. Stereophile raved about it 
Best DVD+R and DVD RW recodable DVD disks
Roy, thanks for that site. Its great, it lists all the brands and what places give the best prices. 
1 million dollar speaker made by Kharma
Just wanted to tell people, Kharma is having a big sale, there giving 10 percent off these speakers. So now there only 900,000 dollars. lol