
Responses from twilo

Coolest looking cd player in history
Bwhite, your right, it does look gorgeous. Thanks for the pic. 
Sonus Faber Cremona vs Guarneri?
The Guarneri with a good Rel Sub, is much better then the Cremona. 
Headphone amplification
I agree with lightbloom. I heard the EarMax OTL headphone amp at the Stereophile show last year. I heard them with Senheiser headphones. This combo sounded great 
Coolest looking cd player in history 
Solid State amp with wide soundstage
NAD S200 and Adcom 5802 are my recomendations. 
Please suggest Preamp
What about the Z Systems digital preamp. That is an awesome preamp. 
Best Sounding Tube Dac you ever heard.
Rcprince, actually the late Howie Mandell designed the Altis dacs. I think you might be right, Jerry designed the Thor Tube Dac. Jerry also designed the VAC and Conrad Johnson Premier tube dacs. 
Best Sounding Tube Dac you ever heard.
AVC1, your right, i forgot about the Thor Tube Dac. I had to ask about Florence Audio technologies. At the Stereophile show last May, there were these speakers called The Florence Audio Poloena speakers. They looked like those Legends speakers. Yo... 
Single Driver Speakers??? Lowther, Moth Audio??
Hi, I heard these RL Acoustique speakers at the Stereophile show. I never heard these type of speakers. They basically use a horn which acts as a sub. Then they used an AER full range driver. Let me say, these speakers sounded so great. They sound... 
Hotrod your Hermes 
Hotrod your Hermes
I just read the review in Audio Musing. They were raving about this Dac. The reviewer bought the Dac. 
Best CD Player - Opinions?
Get the upgrade from great Nothern Sound. Steve was a designer for Wadia. Another great Wadia CD Player was the 16. This was the CD Player the Wadia 850 and 860 replaced. 
Best Dac you ever heard
SPECTRAL SDR-2000 Digital Processor, Jadis JS 1, Levinson 360S, Audio Logic 2400. 
Did Howie Mandell of Altis pass away
Sorry to hear the news. He was a really bright guy. I met him at the Stereophile show in 1996. 
Best CD Player - Opinions?
Supermighty, do you currently own the Wadia 850, or your looking to get it. If you own it, you dont need to upgrade. That is an awesome CD Player.