
Responses from tweak1

Are you pairing Tube Preamp/Line Stage with Class D Power Amp?
FWIW: My experience with class D goes back to PS audio GCC 250, which I still use in my video system, but in my 2 channel audio Ive had several W4S, Emerald Physics 100.2SEs, Audio Alchemy DPA-1 (excellent sound but I need a lot power in my room),... 
CDs And Green Markers. Please Don’t Laugh.
SNOPES, SERIOUSLY? try your ears  
Any tweaks I'm missing?
My next tweak is a Core Power Deep Core. Said to go before the PLC, but one guy who came over and saw my Core Power Equi Core said he replaced his with the Deep Core  
CDs And Green Markers. Please Don’t Laugh.
@mrskeptic    The so called science has to do with the laser hitting the pits and bouncing throughout the disc under the label. Greening the edge mostly contained it. I found and tried many treatments. The best IMO is New Dark Matter, which is t... 
CDs And Green Markers. Please Don’t Laugh.
@buddyboy1    You are correct regarding the non smooth surface, but as I mentioned all RXs oxidize eventually. The issue then is laser scatter. New Dark Matter is by far the best answer once the disc has been properly cleaned  
CDs And Green Markers. Please Don’t Laugh.
@aldnorab   Interesting. Sounds like you are an ideal candidate to try Machina Dynamica New Dark Matter. I wrote about it the other day Also I wash all new cds with a DROP of organic soap and distilled/RO water in a dish barely covering the cd... 
The Best Preamp is no Preamp?
Over the many decades I have owned various passive pres, autoformers, stepped attenuaters, dedicated preamps/dacs (tube/ss), and for a couple years now, what I think is the best opf them all: Audio Alchemy DDP-1 + PS 5 (PS -5 being essential to op... 
CD transports; do they really matter
Audiolab 6000CDT has a buffer which helps considerably MSRP ~ $700  
Your single most significant purchase mistake?
@zavato sweet Avatar   Rogue M150 monoblocks. I had both cryoed KT 6550 and EL 34 tubes, Harmonic Resonance boards + Stillpoints and Risers high quality PCs, DHL Silversonic XLRs, HQ PLC, 20amp dedicated line. No matter what I tried they sounded... 
CDs And Green Markers. Please Don’t Laugh.
First I went to the Disc Sox www. What a poorly designed site. Line drawings do not convey what the product actually looks like. A YouTube video would be nice Which product did you buy? As to greening, a vastly superior way of maximizing every CD... 
Recommended Power Amps For Focal Sopra 2 Towers. $10K Budget. GO
I think you will be blown away at the sound/dollar if you get the LSA Voyager GaN 350 (dual mono). MSRP $3000, but selling new at $2500! I replaced a 2+Xs the wpc EVS 1200 (dual mono). Not only is the Voyager a more complete sounding amp, it sound... 
Question about Class A
Investigate GaN amps first. There are several threads on AG that should prove helpful (one is mine). As I recall, at least one person preferred the LSA Voyager GaN amp to Nelson Pass, PLUS, GaN runs cool (less electricity) and Underwood sells them... 
@twoleftears "If anybody could get both amps in the same room at the same time, then they would really have my attention." Indeed! I would also add the LSA Voyager 350 @ 3+ times the wattage but has an MSRP of $3000, though usually available f... 
Harbeth again…or other speakers for acoustic music?
Open Baffle tend to be very good at this, as they eliminate cabinet resonances inherent in most box speaker designs  
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Mark Knopfler Sultans of Swing