
Responses from tweak1

What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
BeeGees All Time Greatest Hits Elvis Madison Square Garden  
Sonic frontiers
Chris Johnson is still in business. You might contact him for possible upgrades  
Competitive class D amp suggestions
I can't imagine what amp could replace my Voyager. I still have the EVS1200, to try as a subwoofer amp, unless someone wants to buy it  
Competitive class D amp suggestions
Underwood HiFi has 2 that have gotten excellent reviews   Warp 1 @ $1200 Voyager GaN 350 @ $3000   I have owned the Voyger for almost 1.5 years. Truly an amazing bargain  
Jumper interaction with 3 way speaker
Better to get a second set of speaker cables  
Old man pointing and wheezing,. I remember when........
Accoustat 2 + 2s, sans sox Raysonic 228 2 box tube cd player. Too bad the motherboard had issues right at the time the company folded  
How can I tell if I am overdriving the amp or the speakers?
My condo neighbors always let me know, so I bought a house hth  
Speaker matching for Audiolab 6000A
While De Capos are FAB, for a pittance you can get the new book shelfs from LSA 'a 23 pound, rear ported, real wood with leather top and front. It features superb drivers and crossovers MSRP $599' + stands hth        
Contact Enhancer Q45T
~ 10 days ago, I applied my sample, which I received way back in 2021 (long story why the delay), to just the coax cable between transport and dac, and the XLR I/Os from pre to amp. While there was an immediate jaw drop, it has improved quite a bi... 
Upgrade path question with $2k to spend
Playing 2 channels through a multi-channel amp? While it got a very good review in SoundandVision back in 2018, consider this old saying: jack of all trades, master of NONE. IMO, start there Definitely check out the great reviews for the LSA Warp... 
Change from PS Audio S300 Stereo Power Amp to PS Audio M700 Mono Amps
I had the M700s for a while, and while I liked them, they didn't fill my large room. I did not find the bass pronounced One thing I was aware of, and you kind of hinted at it, do not stack them. Try separating them as much as your interconnects a... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Donovan The Classic Lives  
May you help speakers amps
+1 on moving the maggies ~ 4 ft from the wall, good for virtually all hi-end speakers: they need to breathe. Also, get proper stands to raise the maggies off the floor. You didn't mention flooring, but thick carpet will limit music from sounding '... 
Question about upgrading my SACD player
Interconnect and power cords can be a significant upgrade, though Im not certain the preamp will allow you to appreciate by how much, or how little I am selling my Oppo 105 to which I have upgraded the power supply, the IEC, and added a jumper to... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Kirsten Virgard, KV, a 1990 recommendation from one of the popular magazines.   Greg Brown - this is a copy, don't know which album, but it is a double disc