
Responses from tripper

Question on a Levinson 27.5 amp
My Class A amp's power switch is on the back panel, with a standby switch on the front. Made c.1993 and still as sweet as it ever was. The Lev's build quality is surely comparable to my Bel Canto. What does the maker suggest? 
The most emotional amp out there?
Glad some of you came around ;o) BTW, is this a hdwe site, or one for all aspects of the audio life? And no, that is not a contradiction. A new audio friend is able to listen ~8 hours a day or more, so audio Is a big part of his life. Would that w... 
The most emotional amp out there?
The emotion is within the disc, not the hardware. Hope I caught the tenor of the thread. 
This may be a rhetorical ? but
All good advice from the knowledgeable among us. A room is a room, but let's not forget some other factors like better driver integration with crossover and cabinet, greater speed/linearity of lower mass woofers, or a better production run of driv... 
tube character with pre-amp
The SFL1 takes one 12AT7 tube. 
Do you protect your hearing?
Loud pipes save lives. 
Please compare the following headphones
Craig, Let's factor in prices, OK? 240s run well under $100 new. I've owned and loved mine for 10 years without a hiccup, and they are well-used. The cable is fully intact, no noise or other untoward behavior in 10+ years of ownership. One caveat:... 
its all about the music,no way hose
Fe--If you have 500 DVDs then it not All about the music, is it? Just kiddin' mon. Your post is spot on.I often wonder why I bother with a 3-box front end, but the disc starts spinning and all else falls away. Yes, it takes up some real estate but... 
What was/is the heaviest weight amp you herd/own
Mine is just 85# but for 35 watts, that is mass enough! 
Checking out a co. called Better Cables
Excellent outfit, anong the many cable guys trading on the web now. They offer 30-day return privileges, so you can't go wrong there. I also like the idea of a single cable line. To me, it means they are putting their best effort into one product ... 
Where can I start to improve my sound the most 2ch
Free edification from one qualified to give it: 
Which budget SS amps use least Global Feedback?
Ditto Seans's comment. Neg. FB is but one ingredient in the amplifier recipe. Higher FB may better control underdamped bass drivers/enclosures. Most modern amps use little fb anyway. Of greater concern to me would be the spkr/amp interface. One sp... 
Impotence Question
Marco, You are indeed doubling the load to 4 ohms, nominally. Most [tube] amps [if that's what you are running] are not well-equipped to drive such loads, 4- ohm taps notwithstanding. Even many ss amps don't like low impedance loads. Of course, th... 
Inverted phase preamps?
The Wood Effect by Clark Johnsen may illuminate this discussion/query. Clark writes w/ uncanny skill for Positive Feedback. May the audio nervosa continue unabated! 
Speakers for a first-time separates system?
Those EVOs are a good starting point at $250. Dynaudios are generally 4-ohm spkrs and as such require an amp with some cojones to coax the best sound from them. A little more fussy in placement and wire choices. I was never ga-ga over Paradigms; E...