
Responses from tripper

Newbie balanced cable help
Aud--I'd say BJ cables get you at least 90% of the way there. Surprisingly good top to bottom, no real minuses to my ears. In my experience, balanced cables are much less susceptible to the vagaries of RCAs. The RCA connector should've died w/ Bet... 
sonographe 120, is it worth having?
Sonographe was conrad-johnson's budget line. As such the trickle-down theory was in play. The parts and build quality were "good" [or better] but do not rise to the level of their higher line gear, as you would expect. But one still gets a good do... 
What finish is more attractive: Wood or paint?
Mist 'n Shine[ola]? Have a ball? Are you pimping your speakers? Don't tell Bobby! 
Surge in Electric Bill
You could always go on the budget plan [if offered] where you pay the same each month for a year. But month 13 often brings an "adjustment". YOU better open that one! 
Naim Audio - Threat or menace?
'kat--Thanks for the edit. I have less cents than sense. Or is it more? ;\ 
Anti-jitter device with I2S output?
Better still would be a xport with I2S out. The I2S protocol strips out the U bit, and may negate the need for a jitter device. But a jitter box may be easier to come by than a xport with an I2S output. Camelot made such a device which I once owne... 
Naim Audio - Threat or menace?
Jim, Thank you for the well-articulated statement. They, as a company, often made me feel it was their way [All-Naim] or the highway. Yes, active is certainly the way to go, but it gets pricey in a hurry w/ power supplies, xovers and 4-6 channels ... 
Suggestions for Tower stereo speakers little over your budget but this is the kind of "mistake" you want to make now, as your system can easily grow with these. No connection to Selah, just a fan. 
Anyone dealt with cables from
Unmitigated crap. Rat Shack looks like FMS compared to this molded PVC drivel. Suggest you break your bank and cough up for, Signal, LAT, or Luminous. 
Newbie balanced cable help
bluejeanscables.comOne famous manufacturer told me he likes Belden mic wire for his kilobuck gear. Makes sense to me. I like Luminous and LAT also. You don't need to spend zillions on wire, though I'm sure the dissenters will chime in. Good luck a... 
Scott Endler Attenuators 
buzz from speaker..
One possiblity is a non-centered voice coil. If not perfectly centered, you can get mechanical noises, and worse, a dead short to your amp when the VC rubs in the magnetic gap which many amps do not tolerate well. The tolerances here are quite fin... 
Adcom gfp 750....why so many for sale?
Viridian: ...Or not. I'm proud to say none of my my gear is recommended. I even have several issues unread. I used to read it cover to cover and now it just gets in the way of the music. Advertisers will always hold sway over the readers despite w... 
$1 a foot cable: 10awg no-name or 14awg brand? has a better deal for you. 
Driver replacement China
Madisound has a retrofit program. With Vandys, Thiels and Maggies, I'd buy American in the 1st place.