
Responses from tripper

CAL delta transport - display dims when DAC is on
My Delta's [older "HDCD" version] display is dim all the time, and is actually preferable to a too-bright display favored by some manufacturers. It can really distract from the listening experience, esp. when you simply want to relax and enjoy the... 
Paradigm 9SEMKIII... Dark Speakers?
I auditoned Snells vs. Paradigms many years ago. The Snells easily bested the Para's, esp in the mids/highs. And Snell was once described as Boston Bland. Anyway, I never heard Paradigm's sound 'right' although I respect completely the Canadian mo... 
PS Audio 6.2 preamp any good?
Older PS gear is still valid/worthy and can give excellent sound. The model 2 amp is somewhat sought after in the GAS vein, and PS sold umpteen quantities of the IV-H preamp. I still have one which acquits itself quite well in a system assembled f... 
best shippers?
I use FedEx exclusively, with zero damage claims in three years after UPS dishonored two high value claims.Their website is a navigational breeze as well. Big, heavy stuff: BAX and Foward Air are best in my [limited] experience.Lots of differing o... 
Capacitor-less amps
My SS amp has Output transformers and it sounds swell. Caps? Who knows and who cares? Listen for the music, not how you get there. "I have 6 large for a new amp, what, oh what, should I buy?" Gee whiz Wally, listen to a NAD first, perhaps blindly,... 
Digital Amps - Your opinions and why so few? 
How to bridge a Amp Adcom GFA1A and run a Subwoff
I think it was Parasound that once advocated running just one channel of a stereo unit. Though you're at half-power, the power supply runs only one channel. Perhaps Sean can comment, I was an English major! 
Best $500-$700 amp/preamp or integrated
Key--I believe the Kandy gear is of lesser construction, i.e. parts refinement, simpler power supplies, and lighter chassis. Still fine values but they offer two lines for a reason. At least they don't make 17 levels of cables! The Kandy CD for $2... 
Tube pre for Forte 4a
Short/er cables, any CD 2V source worth owning [playing!], and an amp of perhaps higher gain ~30 dB Can offer sonic nirvana despite what many "active" guys say. My tube-buffered passive was the best linestage I ever owned of ~20 used in my 30 year... 
New Audiogon Categories?
Z--Right on, how about breaking it down further to XLRs and digital cables? T'would ease searching considerably. And while we're at it, how about giving the forum moderator a day/year off? The site is free but forums are not? This is where a lot o... 
Best $500-$700 amp/preamp or integrated
Don't miss the Roksan Caspian. More power than its 70 watts imply, and terrific sonics, more American cojones than British PRAT, to my ears. The piece worked great with a variety of gear, small, effective remote, standby function, low profile and ... 
Are There Any Inherent Advantages to Class A amps?
Good thread guys, thanks for your kind words. BTW, nothing against [or for] Google, but I've always used and liked for metasearches [where I searched for class A amp operation]. On systems, Everything is the sum of that which prece... 
Are There Any Inherent Advantages to Class A amps? 
Cal Audio Repair?
Approved Audio Service @ 860-567-5801 and Just Service Inc @ 773-871-7171. 
Best balanced source direct to amp
Camelot Uther 3 [or 4] with a Dragon Pro2 Mk2 jitter/res box via Excalibur I2S cable. Hard to beat at ~1500. Good luck and enjoy the Miles!