

Responses from tony1954

Is Old Music Killing New Music?
"There is a composer/conductor named Steve Hackman who is taking new music like Rap, Radiohead, Coldplay, and others and mixing it with the classics to form new hybrid versions of the older classic standards that might appeal to a wider modern aud... 
How important is it that all cables come from the same manufacturer?
The OCD in me loves having everything match, but that is just aesthetics.      In practical terms I am not sure it matters at all.  
Great speaker sounds terrible in my room?
@baylinor  Adding 4 subs to my small floor standers was the biggest improvement I have made in years.  It solved most of my low end issues instantly. The rest is tweaking.  
Great speaker sounds terrible in my room?
"Meanwhile this speaker looks like it could shake the fillings in your teeth loose." Looks can be deceiving, whether it is speakers or people.  
Great speaker sounds terrible in my room?
I was curious, so I tried to find some feedback from other owners and this is some of what I found. "I have decided to sell my Ref 3A Royal Virtuosos as I don't think they quite match my room positioning and I'm not hearing the best from them." ... 
Buyer Dispute
 “These speakers were purchased from my local dealer new in May 2020.  They are in perfect condition and are an amazing pair of speakers.  I decided to upgrade them to the store's demo pair of 802's.  The store personnel delivered and set them up ... 
What music would you like at your funeral?
  Green Day "Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)"  Or, if life somehow becomes terrible, perhaps something by Yoko Ono.  
Long live Rock? 2022 R&R HOF
Instead of being called "The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame", it should be renamed the "The Rock and Roll Hall of the Somewhat Famous". Last year they inducted T.Rex. Seriously, can anyone name two T.Rex songs that aren't "Bang a Gong"?  
Jeff Rowland Continuum Amp Hum
Really? Are you actively searching for things to obsess about?  If a split second hum is worthy of angst, then I would suggest that your life is otherwise pretty darn good. Don't worry. The Stealth variant is starting up. Pretty soon that hum wi... 
Try a sub a third in the back
@robbiesd    Glad to hear they liked 3 subs. I have 4 and could not be happier. I believe the secret is asymetricality (is that is even a word?). A lot of us audiophiles suffer from OCD and the urge is to place the subs in a balanced formation... 
Honesty is the best policy...I think.
I had a similar situation with an Oppo BDP93. A common problem was that the CD tray would not open the first time and sometimes not open at all. The "solution" was to leave a disk in the tray at all times. Trying to sell it as is didn't sit well ... 
your first system-
My memory from the early 1970's is a little hazy, but I believe at one time my system consisted of a Sansui AU 9500 integrated, Thorens TD160 with Grace 707 and Supex SD900 Super. Speakers were a woodworking project with my father. JBL 15" woofer ... 
How much “suspension of disbelief do you need?”
Honestly, I never give it a thought. Whether I am listening to unamplified live music or music at home, I just sit back and enjoy the experience. Why would I want to stress out over something that is not going to happen.    
It’s all a matter of degree
I love music and I love my equipment, but my reality is that I am on a fixed income since my unforeseen retirement. That hasn't prevented me from completely overhauling my setup during Covid, but it does limit my options to mostly used equipment. ... 
Do we really know what "Live" music sounds like?
@jssmith  "Unamplified live music is affected by the room. This has just as much or more bearing on the sound then an "amplifier." Typically, unamplified music is not performed in a "room". It is performed in a music venue acoustically tuned f...