

Responses from tony1954

How do you high pass your main speakers?
@esarhaddon1  "Before you go complaining to management as some have in the past," Why am I not surprised.  
How do you high pass your main speakers?
@esarhaddon1  "You seem to be saying that yo don't like your speakers or that yo know better than the engineers that designed them." "OR maybe you really do have CR@PPY speakers. so what the heck, experiment away!" "No one reding your post has ... 
How do you high pass your main speakers?
@ddrave44  That would be great, but I have an integrated amp.  
How do you high pass your main speakers?
@12many  Sorry, but the reality of the situation is that the 80kh crossover point was based on my previous speakers. I will be adjusting the crossover point to perhaps 65Hz and reassessing things.    
How do you high pass your main speakers?
@phusis  Thanks for the response. Actually my MiniDSP crossover is set to 80Hz for the subs so there would be a redundancy of frequencies from that 80Hz threshold and where the ATC's roll off around 54Hz.  Perhaps it might be best to just tweak... 
Posting the wrong MSRP: why?
@fredapplegate  People do it with everything they sell, so why not audio gear? I've noticed myself that there is a wide range of retail prices for items, depending on where you look. Amazon is famous for having notoriously high pricing for the ... 
Bass- at what frequency does it change from sounding like a string to just a low tone?
@m669326  I have ATC SCM19's, Musical Fidelity M6si, Lumin D1 streamer and a Denafrips Ares II dac. I use four subs connected to the MF via MiniDSP 2x4. I am still tweaking the setup because the speakers a relatively new to me and I have reconf... 
Any Thoughts?
“We think too much and feel too little.” ― Charlie Chaplin  
MFA Luminescence Vacuum Pre-Amplifier
Hifishark.com Best source for component pricing.  
Your experience of moving to two subs
@hilde45  Is 100% correct. "The oomph is not the goal ...... The goal is evenness, tightness, naturalness." My findings indicate that two subs are better than one and four subs are better than two.     
Gordon Lightfoot, Canadian folk legend, dead at 84
If I could read your mind, love What a tale your thoughts could tell Just like a paperback novel The kind the drugstore sells When you reach the part where the heartaches come The hero would be me But heroes often fail And you won't read that book... 
Tim Bachman of BTO passed at 71
@czarivey  "In fact Rock N Roll is pretty much dead." And what are we left with? A bunch of flaccid, soulless, money-grubbing, fame-seeking plagiarists. Ever wonder why there are so many "oldies" radio stations?      
New amps
Not sure why you would need to move the speakers because you have a new amp. Aren't the speakers positioned so they interact properly within the room? To best reproduce what is fed into them. Their positioning should be the same regardless of w... 
Beginner home theater setup questions...
@operakala  I would seriously consider the LG OLED. Superb picture quality.  
Interesting Power Cable Experience
@dill "The empty vessel makes the loudest sound." Plato