
Responses from tomryan

Music Reccommendations??
"Rowley amps and Rel speaks"? Your post is at least half a joke, right? 
Which artists do you just not get?
I'm surprised bombastic, pretentious, and constantly straining to be hip Bruce Springsteen hasn't gotten more votes. I get a head and throatache just hearing/seeing him. Does anyone else think it's funny people like Springsteen (and many others) w... 
Best pre-amp to match with the Dynaco ST-70?
Try a passive like the Creek OBH-12 or, for a lot more money, one of the Placettes. Both give you remote volume control and are very transparent, impose hardly any sound of their own, especially the Placette. Any pre-amp will most likely impose a ... 
300B Tubes - Which is Best?
Can anyone give me their experiences with the Sophias as regards music making ability, reliability, and the company who sells them in the U.S.? Thanks, guys. 
Great Jazz SACDs
I was in the largest independent record store in the Detroit area last week. They were the first of any stores around here to carry SACDs. Now, well over two years later, they are selling a whopping 5 a week! As a result, SACDs have been moved fro... 
Finest integrated SE under U.S. $ 6,000.00
The AirTight ATM-300 (300B based) stereo amp is superb and will privide more drive than the Cary. It has dual attenuators so you can run your CD directly through it, maybe add a Creek OBH-12 passive remote volume control. I've run this system and ... 
Best amp for Spendor BC-1?
AirTight tube stuff works very nicely with all Spendor speakers including the BC-1. It has the frequency extension needed with this sometimes vaguely "soft sounding" but wonderfully musical speaker. 
Spica TC 50 Question s
A more powerful amp would be helpful and of course, a subwoofer. Spicas are not the most dynamic and can be damaged by overdriving so be careful. The Adcom and Parasound may also not be the most dynamic pieces. As regards subwoofers, the Velodynes... 
The Worst Speaker you have ever heard.
"At least Gore can pronounce 'nuclear'."??? Anyone else see the video of Al looking at busts of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson (in Jefferson's house no less) and asking, "Now, who are these people?"? How 'bout Al speechifying across the co... 
Should I keep my JBL 150A's?
If you like them, keep and use them. It's just TV, anyway. If they image decently enough you may not need a center channel. However, (I swear this is true) major advances in speaker design and performance have occured in the last 23 years. Maybe y... 
I need some clarity
I also had a pair of MMGs in 1986-87 as background music speakers. They lack detail and are really quite dull sounding for real music listening. They are also based on a technology that Magnepan has surpassed alomst 15 years ago. The speakers are ... 
Why little mention of Air Tight on Agon?
I have the AirTight 300B amp (is this the 7 watter mentioned by Brulee?) and have done some tube rolling. It's an amp I intend to keep and would love to find another for vertical bi-amping of my ProAcs. The amp is superbly made except for the EU a... 
why does triod mode sound better than ultralinear?
As as someone new to tubes, you made an excellent choice. I'm on my 4th c-j piece (Prem. 16LS II) and have found their stuff is reliable, well engineered, and made by a company with superb customer back-up. My experience with Tab Sigs is that they... 
Perpetual Technologies P1,P3, and Monolithic PS
I have PT P1&P3 (no Mono PS) and had the WrightMods done to the DAC. They are very revealing and transparent and the DAC can be a bit ruthless by itself. The WrightMods took away all etch, leaness, etc., and the DAC sounds so good it took me 2... 
Pre-amp suggestions
I have a C-J Prem 16LS II and the build and parts quality is superb. It is a first rate electronic instrument and a wonderful music making machine. The remote control unit and function is addictive. Volume level can be set exactly right for each C...