

Responses from tomic601

San Diego Audiophile group?
Well this is a good thread… Jan Montana a writer for PS Audio Copper Magazine coordinator of the San Diego Audio Guild can get you connected. There is an upcoming meeting 5/4 w Peter of PBN audio attending and Steve M of SMC also invited. I live p... 
What if a high end speaker measures really badly?
Everyone should own a pair of L-100 at some point in life…. and of course the much better L-110  
What if a high end speaker measures really badly?
And re the bass eq you speak of is available in the Sub 3 starting at $3k….  Disclaimer - i have Treo CT / sub 3 and 7 mk 2  
What if a high end speaker measures really badly?
@erik_squires AND you get time and phase correct, very flat to beyond 25 k and near perfect impulse and of course excellent waterfall ( unless you like cabinet colors…. )…. since 1977….  
Oppo 205 with Parasound JC-1s
Ayre ++++++ I miss Charlie  
Give Up on Bacch?
Audiophile know thyself is my motto - you seem very self aware and that is always good. Best to you in your chase of better sound  
Andrew Singer Of "Sound by Singer" passed away yesterday
@jjss49 So true…. RIP Andy - thanks for all those you helped along the way.  
Am I right for this forum?
Also…. see my vintage system (s) great sound under $3k… is cake,,, fun cake…  
Am I right for this forum?
@snilf I do so hope you will stay….. @whart Hey Bill…. Serious ? Yes but cross examination would demand I identify as a music lover who appreciates Kaizen in recorded sound. I could abandon ALL the gizmos when I get ( maybe ) to heaven….  until s... 
Music first or sound first?
There is just something magical about a perfect sine wave…. was it 440 or x ?… @mikelavigne  I must’@patrickdowns with the MIB memory eraser before he left my place….. memory is fleeting….they say On a much more serious note for those coming dow... 
Anyone ever have, use or hear this tube?
Power abhors a vacuum, electrons…not so much. I love the smell of warm tubes, coffee ( and napalm ) in the morning. On a serious note.. while i love Andy and have in past been an ardent supporter / customer…. i just can’t tolerate the very long ... 
Best amplifier for Acoustat 2+2 electrostats for holographic sound, or change speakers?
Your amplifiers are not destroying the spatial information you seek. I sold your 2+2 and many other stats. You don’t mention which wall you have them on and where the absorbers are… Typically audiophiles overtreat the room… w absorbers…typically a... 
Am I right for this forum?
@tvad Im working on a writeup ….roughly on One Possible Path to Becoming a More Intentional Audiophile  
Mike - thanks for all that work w photos and observations. Best to you in music. Jim  
Am I right for this forum?
Without a doubt there are few who don’t relish the underdog and the achievement of parity or more…. The world wants a $5€ Strad…. and abhors those who do not seek…. And yet….. Strads are….. incapable of being described by mere words… or numbers….