

Responses from tomic601

Audio Research Pre-Amp advice
My REF 5 se has 6 k hours on the clock w zero issues…. 6 tubes… but sure get a recent LS… imo great gear…especially the XLR models.  
Need help with phono cartridge selection
I agree w Bill, except don’t put the OM series on the list…. I’m using a Bronze now as a spare…. a wonderful rock n roll cartridge as it has a whisker of saddle….  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
In arrears; Dead - Mars Hotel ( 45 rpm ) Free - Best Of Currently : Cooley / Hood / Isbell - Live At The Shoals Theatre - special thanks to @slaw for turning me on to this fantastic box set…… tasty  
Ethernet Cables - what are you using and why?
For what it’s worth the AQ Cinnamon has been out for a decade. I use them . 50% of my Blue Jeans were DOA but that experience is old…. like me  
Proac K6 Signature, Sonus Faber Amati Tradition,Verity Audio Amadis, Kharma DB-9
Of course I sold Jim’s time and phase correct speakers and met him many times. Sad - RIP. I think you are being way to hard on yourself… You rolled the bones and the universe threw you a curve ball… so far without any musical impact…. Grace n pe... 
Worst Speakers Ever??
I traded them for a white van……  
Hagerman Piccolo Zero: New transimpedance head amp
Agree, would love an update  
The ideal phono preamp typology should be a separate thread…imo… My point remains it is impossible to evaluate a cartridge by listening without some form og gain, EQ or both….   
@pindac Good Lord man…possibly the board room white paper on why the CD was invented… You left off ( possibly due to brevity ? ) the off center record… of course Nakamichi fixed that…. Not everyone is pitch sensitive… love ya man   and yet… The ... 
Audiophilism is a hobby
@mashif Probably essential but he is also a musician not just a producer… if you look past the fraction you will find a play on the turn of phrase “ better half “…. Yes, let’s hope for some commercial success for Sarah ;-)  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
@echolane i’ve got lifetime friends i met on this thread by reading about the “ recckkidds “ they were playing…. Cool you got the B and O running and sounding good. In arrears: Jackson Browne - Downhill Caitlin Canty - Reckless Skyline Over th... 
Audiophilism is a hobby
IMO Julie Miller is the better 7/8 …. and i like Buddy… a LOT BTW really do check out Sarah J…. especially Blue Heron Suite  
Back to the DAC
I understand…especially the stranger variety seems to attract tube de jour..or hour… i’ve rolled a few in the Pandora but fewer than 4 variants x 2 positions…. best wishes for 6SN7 happiness   
Back to the DAC
I have yet to hear a Bricasti i couldn’t live with, but i can say same about Lampizator and Aesthetix. I lean to a very well engineered tube output that behaves well feeding a tube preamp. Ive heard a Rockna in a well sorted system that was also v... 
Townshend Isolation Products.
@barts Sounds like a great system - I built and modified Hafler kits on Sunday for extra $, which i poured into….. tubes… ha. We carried CJ,,, ARC was the enemy…. funny how things… change.. Best in music - i greatly enjoyed your journey story…..