

Responses from tomic601

Anybody out there re-cantilever their cartridge with a Soundsmith Contact Line diamond ?
@thehorn alas… Chackster has left the building…. several years on now… Enjoy the music ;-) BTW had it roll both ways w Soundsmith retips…. But in general +  
The Emperor Has No Clothes!!
One should also consider…as @mahgister hints at the the actual character of clothes are unaltered by our words to describe them… warm, analog and tube like will not keep ya from freezing to death in the Karakoram….. Can they apply to a DAC….. abs... 
Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms
@pindac  - you make excellent points… i myself have ( obviously ) a hodgepodge of arms… This Spring the Triplaner which i acquired used will go back to Tri for a checkup and probable upgrade, but it’s not in the same $ latitudes as the SAT.  The ... 
Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms
iF you want to understand the room / system / awesome proprietor Ed - check out Audio Ultra website in Seattle… Great neighbor….  
Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms
…..ah the Safir….. a thing of beauty and technical triumph…but. Ive some significant but never sufficient seat time listening to it w Ortofon Verismo on a Dohmann w integral Minus K…. vs ( in same remainder of system / room in same session… ) a K... 
The Emperor Has No Clothes!!
….. and yet…. just try to unhear the tube power supply on a fantastic German direct drive TT…… :-) And some people wax poetic about Mad Dog 20-20… Chill  
Is it even possible to get a factory authorized dealer to give a discount?
I also have Many fantastic hours on my REF Phono 2 se…..Dude, you are in for a treat  
Is it even possible to get a factory authorized dealer to give a discount?
OP congratulations on the ARC gear, my REF 5se with about 6k hours on it was unpacked at the selling dealer, a slight defect noticed, new part ordered for drop ship to me , dealer ( Robert Taylor of Taylor House in NC ) ran it in for two weeks, de... 
Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms
I always use my headshell arm to play Leonard Cohen : “ i’m just a lazy bastard living in a suit “…..  
20 Years?
@chayro Congratulations ! my born on date says May, 2003 but i’m pretty sure it is really 2001. No matter. i’ve met some really fantastic people here…many in person…  Enjoy the music !   Just about to push play on some tasty Walter Becker…. sna... 
Is it even possible to get a factory authorized dealer to give a discount?
@noromance ha…. might explain why i’m driving a 2009 Panzervaggon  
Is it even possible to get a factory authorized dealer to give a discount?
The deep relationship is about more than a simple $ exchange for widget. IF it is that transactional…you don’t need input on synergy, a demo, setup, etc…. definitely search out a discount. I’ve done both…many times….  I like where i’m at now with ... 
Borresen Loudspeakers
will i get a W2 for all this hard work ? As an aside… i’ve heard a pair of the subject speakers… mid teen $ smallish floorstanders at Alma Audio here in paradise…. they were impressively good.. excuse me…i’ve got to check paypal……. Most of us g... 
Minimum Power Needed to Drive Klipsch Cornwall IVs? - Considering Erhard_Audio Ray
I have a lot of seat time w buddy Cornwall i restored / updated. He uses a 300 B Toolshed integrated ….. sounds lovely. When i was working on them a MC240 really made them sing….  
Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms
@whart … for rock solid machining quality assurace, definitely trust Kuzma….