

Responses from tomic601

Loud vs. Tactile Bass
If you have an RTA play a nice double bass solo….. 80 hz….. is just the beginning of UP……..  
Loud vs. Tactile Bass
Define your references….electric bass or standup heart n soul - the HARMONIC s…. are North of 100 hz and NOT below the mid 40’s….   
Stereophile review of the $30,000 tekton speakers
Whatever floats your boat  🎵…… nice Vette ;-) You can get a Vandersteen Quattro in any paint color under the Sun for less than $20 K…. I dream about Mexico Blue…whilst the prancing horse is in…. the shop ( again )….    
How would you spend my next $5K?
@grislybutter lives in my hood, i’ll get him that beer… Your Atom has prat……  I would spend $20 on a copy of Jim Smith book - Get better sound = move gear to side asap….. THEN revaluation of weak link….. Have fun…..  
Solid State Phono Stages
@lewm just this very moment i am working on a quad paired photon vinyil replay system… for stereo…. I’m at an impasse getting the ears to see the light… I believe Jeff Lynne was on to this…late 1971  
You tube hifi influencers. Love them or hate them?
To the OP….. let us know if the CJ and the Quicksilvers become cast aways…. IMO , those were / are excellent choices…..   
You tube hifi influencers. Love them or hate them?
Like all things…some discernment needed….. Live a little, cast a wide net…. filter… Audiophile know thyself…… Also….. make some great friends….. in a city of 3million….there are probably 100 w 300B amps…..  
The molecular level explanation of "cable burn-in"
@rodman99999 All good…. i’m mostly in your camp… The moniker is my favorite salmon fishing plug… A serious boat and multi-quarry season make high end audio SEEM affordable ….   Ido hang out a few hours a day working in the Quantum computing aka ... 
Ethernet cables
I believe we are running a purse seiner….. sorry - couldn’t resist.  on topic…. great sturdy connectors and verified quality assurance matter, and shielding…. My experience albeit somewhat dated is 50% DOA on Bluejeans  
The molecular level explanation of "cable burn-in"
@rodman99999  ;-)))   
Cable Break In for the Naysayers
@ozzy I have had Pegasus and up in my reference system for a long evaluation…. game changer level cables…. expensive but for many worth consideration imo  
Cable Break In for the Naysayers
Whenever i hear about a degree in X, Y, or Z in engineering or science…i wonder what they have contributed lately to understanding paired photons, the existence of a singularity in a rotating black hole, or even error correction in a quantum compu... 
Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms
In the business i was in, understanding that tolerance stack is a two edge sword… there are so very many variables to consider…. chasing the dragon , catching a fleeting glimpse and then codification of whatever ritual of the hunt that got you  “ ... 
Technics SL-1200GAE or VPI HW-40 or …?
@atmasphere Ralph…. suspect that same guy listened to both my ARC line and phono before it left the factory. A good dude ! i will try the Oracle on the Denon split platter. Best to all in music  
Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms
Understand, in my in depth listen, we contended w different arms / tables and carts, so you had fewer variables…. Enjoy the music and the journey