

Responses from tomic601

Whats on your turntable tonight?
James - safe travels ! happy thanksgiving and i forgot to mention Request Music an LRS on island if you go music stir crazy…there is also some great live music at Fleetwoods …as you no doubt know…….  
Tube Line Stage around $5k
How wonderful;-) Enjoy the music  
Why I sold my Magnepan .7's
imagine a world where everyone adored the same X component….omg… as for the comparison to the 901…. most drivers off the back wall, one facing forward…. so…..  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
+++ @puffball08 my faded recollection is i had an MTV crush of sorts on them… War Dept. informed me the other day that they still play out….   
Audioquest speaker cables
both models of AQ you cite are available in  copper or silver. I use a 30” pair of silver in my Reference system, a 7’ shotgun biwire copper set in my other system.  
Audioquest speaker cables
BTW i have a set of now ancient AQ Type 6 in a shotgun biwire configuration that have literally 25 k miles on them…i loan them out so people can experience a true shotgun solid core biwire cable…. i lost count but 7-8 audiogon members have tried t... 
Audioquest speaker cables
winning vs learning…. pretty much any AQ wire can be configured in a true external biwire configuration, including a factory shotgun biwire configuration…and yes, they cost 2x. I don’t recommend an internal biwire configuration, not for AWG reaso... 
Gratitude and Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to all. Imperfect union such as it is. My great hope is we can restore it to the improving arc it was on…. Blessed i am Jim  
Zu vs. Tekton? -- your comparisons on price, build, sound
opinion, just like the comparative sample size…. the used pair in Phoenix, now that is cool and good contribution by @chorus   
Bluesound Node (2021) PS upgrade to Teddy Pardo; is it worth it?
some thoughts reterminate the Cullen C7 to IEC for the Pardo. I use a Kimber PK-10 on my Unitiserve Pardo LPS along w Stillpoints and an ancient VPI Magic Brick. I think this is a case where the frugality of Nobosound springs may be worthwhile… H... 
Audioquest speaker cables
I looked at your system, i think the copper might sound better w brick fireplace and the B and W tweeter. Save some significant $ You could also try single cable w jumper to ease in cost wise, then add 2nd run later. jim  
Audioquest speaker cables
Yes. Both @ctsooner ​​​​@gdnrbob have the better AQ after hearing both.  15’ is a significant performance hit, no matter the cable - i am sure you are aware. Yes the AQ can and should be two sets of cables, so no concern about awg. hope this he... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
+++++ Joel ;-)   
Whats on your turntable tonight?
A family tradition: Al Hirt - Live at Carnegie Hall Dad loved Carnival of Venice, it brought out the audiophile in him as he would talk about his wistful desire for the Bozak Concert Grands….. ha, the affliction is taught…  
Why does my hifi always seem to sound especially good on Thanksgiving?
@elliottbnewcombjr wow…that brings back memories. I now have the MX-110Z and MC240 that formed the heart of my parents system from 1965 to 2001. i just tested all the ancient Telefunken and Raytheon ( bh7 ) on my trusty B and K 667 tester from the...