

Responses from toddalin

What is the most FUN pair of speakers you've ever had and why?
The "Mermans" that I designed and built for under $1,500/pr with used drivers including JBL 2241H 18", JBL 2251J 9.5" and modified Great Heil.   They can play from a whisper to symphony/concert levels in a 5,000 cu ft room without compression/di... 
Why are these called 5 way binding posts? I count four!
You could always unscrew the terminal, slip a ring connector on, and put it back.  Then you have 5 ways.  
"Hardly Used / Less than 100 Hours / Took out for pics only"????
I have well over 30,000 hours on my Yamaha RX-Z9, purchased new in 2003. A couple years ago I bought a Melton P/P KT-88, 80 WPC tube integrated. After about 60 hours use, I know that it just doesn’t do it for me and much prefer the old Yamaha, an... 
Which LS3/5a?
I have original Chartwells that were given to me, along with a NOS woofer.  They sound beautiful and if you get down to Orange County, CA you are welcome to listen for yourself.  
3-Dimensional Soundstage
"For the alleged added "coloration" ... Read Dr. Choueiri explanation... There is no added coloration and this is why the BACCH filters innovate compared to other crosstalk cancellation dsp ...If the BACCH filters could add coloration they will no... 
3-Dimensional Soundstage
"More critically, the BACCH filter doesn’t introduce any coloration to the signal." Not supported from the videos presented here.   Additionally, if the primary intent is to remove crosstalk, why do they recommend it for headphones where crosst... 
Big speakers, are they really the best way to get great sound?
I never said it was a "trick" Do you not know what a straw man is? My room and system are set up to minimize reflections at the listener. Speakers are ~7.5 feet apart on the 26 foot wall and about 10.5 feet from the listener. The ceiling above th... 
Big speakers, are they really the best way to get great sound?
No, you purposely choose a speaker that sounds bad at its extremes and clean those up a bit, greatly reducing the volume in the process, and also killing it's liveliness. My system does not sound like that! It's called "setting up a straw man"  
Big speakers, are they really the best way to get great sound?
You killed all the ambience of the room. Sounds "dead" even compared to the original with no room ambience.  Your clocks don't sound "natural." Let’s compare apples to apples. Make your recordings in a 5,000 cubic foot room.  
3-Dimensional Soundstage
Yesterday I was listening to Billie Jean and even though this (Thriller) was one of the first CDs I got with my first CD player, I was suprised when yesterday I heard how 3D this actually is with the latest mods. Michael sings to the center and h... 
Big speakers, are they really the best way to get great sound?
Especially for mihorn who requested it. SACD played on an Oppo95 through a Yamaha RX-Z9 RECEIVER in Pure Direct mode with no eq or room correction, electronic or physical, through the Mermans recorded on a Nikon D750 DSLR in the sweet spot. Room ... 
3-Dimensional Soundstage
I am of the mind that "time alignment" is very important for the best 3D image. I had been working on a replacement pair of speakers for my JBL L200/300s that would do justice to the female voice and developed the "Mermans" that use JBL 2241H (18... 
Female vocals
BTW, if you want a sampling of the various female artists, this gives quite a variety (double CD) and they are really cheap on the bay.    
Female vocals
I've not seen Vanessa Fernandez mentioned. This SACD sounds wonderful on a really good system: https://youtu.be/3Omy_xI40Bo And for classic rockers, also in SACD: https://youtu.be/J-Rl8-tXCf0  
Big speakers, are they really the best way to get great sound?
mihorn, I don’t use horns on the Mermans because I believe in time alignment and think that this is a prerequisite to a better soundstage and imaging. I do have horns on my JBL L200/300s, and one-off, custom tri-amped, Altec Big Red Supers, but ...