
Responses from tkr

Top 5 Tonearms Newer or Vintage Under 2500 That Will Beat anything above/below 2.5k?
@nandric : I wasn`t looking for a prize. : )@fleschler : VTA adjustment on the SME V is actually easier than you think. You described the process quite correctly, but the adjustment screw does not have to be removed until you have the VTA just rig... 
Top 5 Tonearms Newer or Vintage Under 2500 That Will Beat anything above/below 2.5k?
The SME V has VTA adjustment, and I can`t agree with @fleschler that it´s difficult to adjust.   
Analog playback on computer.
Most LPs produced in the last 35 years have been through an AD/DA loop at one stage or the other. Even if labeled AAA, most of them have been digitized during the cutting process.,105321.0.html 
Phono Preamps with "balls" ?
Have you tried something like the Manley Steelhead? Hugely dynamic, and with great bass, IMO . 
Digitizing LPs
To each his own. I am certainly not picking a quarrel with you, but for me it is simply not worth the time and effort. My estimate of my listening habits is that 70% of my listening is digital, 30 % analog. Let´s say 10 LPs a week. In that case, i... 
Digitizing LPs
@dgarretson 3.5 GB is a huge file! I considered ripping my record collection, but we are talking about 2500 hours of music on LP. Let´s stipulate that an hour of music on vinyl would take about 1.5 to 2 hours to rip, divide into tracks, label and ... 
Digitizing LPs
@dgarretson I digitize to 24/96 because to my old ears there is no big audible difference beyond that. Also, the files get ever bigger the higher resolution you use, and for me the optimum is 24/96, stored as AIFF-filesI have no experience with ri... 
Digitizing LPs
If you want to digitise your vinyl, you will need an ADC, and you will need a DAW. I would look into the pro marked for a good external soundcard. I use a Metric Halo ULN-8, but there are many to choose from. RME and Lynx are high quality, as is M... 
Tube Question
10 years! Seems that it´s time to replace the tubes, no doubt about that. 
Which pickup do I sell, which do I keep?
First of all, thanks for the Nasotec- tip. I will try to find out a bit more about it.I would be ever so grateful if you could describe the SME V/ London Ref sound in comparison to the FR 64s/ Kondo, and if you mount the Koetsu in this how that so... 
Help—How to Marry High Bitrate Digital Streamers to Two Channel Audio Systems
I use one of these ADC/DAC/preamp/crossover/EQ. It means that the analog signal has to go through an AD/DA- loop, but conversion is at 24/96, and I am unable to hear any degradation of... 
Which pickup do I sell, which do I keep?
Thanks!I did exactly that. I found an Ortofon headshell, mounted the Coralstone in my FR 64 FX, and tried it out. It sounded better than it did in the SME V, and it won`t be sold anytime soon. Downstream equipment: Metric Halo ULN 8 ADC/DAC/Pre/di... 
What do you think of your Soundsmith Cartridge
I have just mounted a Soundsmith Gold- modified DL 103 R, and I am extremely happy with it. Tonally it is very close to my Koetsu Coralstone, with a huge soundstage, explosive dynamics and very good bass. A bit more surface noise than the Koetsu, ... 
Which pickup do I sell, which do I keep?
Now, that is a good idea!  
Which pickup do I sell, which do I keep?
I don`t actually have room for another turntable. And I don`t really want to buy a second phono stage. Apart from that, there is no point in having all that equipment if you don`t intend to use it. There is a limit to how much time I want to spend...