
Responses from tireguy

Try asking this question here you'll get a lot more of a response. There is a section at MUG that has every model explained by specifications, there's a link to that site from the one I just gave you. 
Do a search here and at the hi-rez highway at the asylum, if your still skeptic check for your pulse. This is THE REAL deal, listen for yourself then you will understand its more then just hype. 
86 db speakers. What tube amp
CAT JL1's, VTL 450(or bigger), or better yet wait another few months and get the new Tenor Hybrid(the 150s should be adequate for those speakers). I am sure there are others out there but those would be my choices- happy hunting. 
Is there a"giant Killer" CDP ?
I've had the accuphase seperates, and a capitole mkII(the capitole is light years ahead of the accuphase, sonically- and at a fraction of the cost). Right now I am listening to a $149 toshiba DVD/CD player and let me tell you, it SUCKS! heh heh. I... 
BAT VK-200, Plinius SA100 MK3, or Levinson 27.5?
I am pretty sure the Plinius is not truly balanced, so with that pre amp I would look into the other two. I am not familar with the levinson but that model sounds like it hasn't been made in a while. Come to think of it all of those choices I beli... 
Four front main speakers for 2 channel listening?
My favorite 4 cabinet 2 cannel set up is Soundlab U-1's with I believe it is the UB-1's on the inside, literally the wall of sound! 4 81" tall speakers that are about 36" wide each- I've only seen this set up once and it was just a picture I didn'... 
What happened?
A lot of good points brought up for you Carl. How many hours are on the speakers? Break in is a roller coaster ride for the first 400+ hours. The "dirty" power could effect your phone stage more so then any other component- its certainly possible(... 
Best Sarah Brightman CD
I have 5 maybe 6 of her cd's my favorite is Dive, for some reason that's the only one I find myself listening to with any degree of regularity- and even then its not that often. Its kind of silly- at times- but if I'm in the mood its enjoyable. Al... 
PS Audio Power Pant vs Shunyata Hydra conditioner
I would recommend the Hydra strongly over the power plants, I have heard more then a few power plants and they do create a very black background but they compress the sound and suffer from current limiting if pushed. I can't say for sure but on a ... 
Hot Rodding Magnaplaners
I am in the process of hot rodding my 3.6's, new crossovers(replacing both internal and external with one external), internally rewired, no more fuses or tweeter attenuator bypass, custom frame/stands and the best part NO more horribly factory mag... 
XRCD Technology
Good SACD will blow away XRCD(any form of it), that being said XRCD is with out a doubt my favorite sound quality label for redbook, they are VERY good. It has a lot to do with the original recording, it has even more to do with transfering the ma... 
More MFSL Upcoming SACD Releases...
Aimee Mann's "Lost in Space" disc was released a month or so ago, I have been unable to track it down locally so I may have to order it from red trumpet or music direct. I have been told it is REALLY good both sonically and performance. It also he... 
How to contact Ken Lyons of Neuance?
Ken contacted me from this thread and I am in the process of ordering 2 shelves, again thank you all for your help :) 
How to contact Ken Lyons of Neuance?
Thank you, I don't know why audiogon doesn't have that sight on the manufacturer's list, it would have saved a lot of confusion and an email I sent to nuance audio :^) oops! 
More MFSL Upcoming SACD Releases...
Looks like 3 more to add to the list, I just can NEVER get ahead on music! Any word on the Van Morison release date?? how about Blood Sweat and Tears?