
Responses from timrhu

When does the law diminishing returns kick in?
Resurrection of a six-year-old thread. It was interesting for me going back and rereading this one. I feel I definitely know the answer to my original question and am extremely comfortable not chasing an unobtainable goal. Life is good and getting... 
Vandersteen 3A sig , on the naked
I just read the post from Ig316b with the link to the 1C modification. Wow! I have a pair of 1Cs in the closet. They'd be shaking in their boots if they could read my mind. 
Vandersteen 3A sig , on the naked
Bjesien, good points. 
What is a better speaker than Totem? for = $$$
There are dozens of other options in this price range. If you could give some indication of what you're looking for, and what room characteristics and amp you have, then we could help to refine the list further.MichaelSufentanil Exactly. It's all ... 
Vandersteen 3A sig , on the naked
Ha, the first Audiogon thread I authored back in 2003 asked the same question about the 2CE sigs. A few years ago someone sold a naked pair of them on ebay with pics. They did look terrible but the person who removed the socks and posts did half-a... 
raspy high end
But, since you said the speakers are new, give them a chance to break-in before you start hunting for a potential problem.Everest_audioMy first true experience with break in occurred with a new pair of Paradigm speakers. There was a raspiness on v... 
finding the right speaker?
Have you considered the newer version of the Vandersteen 2? From all I've read the new model meets your criteria. I suggest this as one who appreciates the sound of time and phase coherence speakers. 
Has your HiFi changed your musical tastes
No. For me I think it's more a matter of aging than my system. My taste has expanded over the years. But just the other night I popped in Jethro Tull's Aqualung, turned it up, and enjoyed the hell out of it. 
Is there any bad sounding high-end gear--?
There is no escape from reality. 
Help with DAC Going nuts
I went through the same search about 3 months ago. The Havana was at the top of my list but I got tired of waiting for one to show up used. While waiting for the perfect dac I kept seeing the PS Audio DL3 mentioned above pop up. I bought a new DL3... 
IC's and Speaker cables
Question is -How do I "tame" an overly accurate response.So you are looking for an inaccurate response? Not sure I understand this.Before looking for cables to effect the desired change, have you ensured proper speaker placement? Is the room treat... 
Is there any bad sounding high-end gear--?
imo, most "high end" speakers arn't really all that great and some are bad.6550cHave to agree with this. In-store setup maybe the cause but some pretty expensive speakers have made me ask the sales person to please turn it down.Magnepans demoed in... 
Explain Amp classes & how effects sound?
Time for an archive search. 
Hard of Hearing Headphones for TV
My dad uses the TV ears and likes them very much. My mother, who's hearing is much better, appreciates them as well. 
Would adding a Dac improve the sound for my setup?
I'm reading this thread after checking your system page and it leaves me wondering if you have installed the room treatments you mentioned. From the system pics, I see a very lively room. If you haven't addressed the room, I would strongly recomme...