
Responses from timrhu

Heaven or Hell
Well after reading the responses I have to qualify my statement. There are times when the music just isn't as engaging. Not saying the system sounds worse, just that my level of interest isn't as high.On those occasions I wouldn't have the interes... 
Heaven or Hell
This happens to me frequently. I chalk it up to my mood which I'm not even conscious of. Although, I do seem to have a better experience on those days when I'm anticipating a good session.I don't believe it has anything to do with my equipment, po... 
Using speaker cable as jumpers
If you plan on keeping the Martin Logans, why not reterminate the Kimber to biwire configuration? Easy to do. 
Cat damaged speaker, Help
Another vote for the super glue; a little dab with a tooth pic. I prefer the gel type which doesn't run. 
Have you treated your listening space?
I agree with Levy03, except for his math. ;)But I think it also depends on the room. If you have your system in a room with only two chairs, as I do, then treatments are an absolute necessity. If you are using a living room or family room filled w... 
Why Do You Still Have Vinyl if You Don't Play it?
DevTimrhu, no disrespect but if you re-read my posting I did say it was "my opinion" and you have also left some of my posting out.My personal exspearience is digital can't but obviously by reading your statements you just haven't heard a proper s... 
CD's vs Vinyl - Finally hear the difference
I thought maybe you had some evidence. But if it is just your experience I'd say your making it up. Not arguing with you as I haven't had any inclination to measure this phenomenon. But your statement sounds pretty definitive. 
CD's vs Vinyl - Finally hear the difference
A CDP has the disadvantage of requiring 4-6 hrs or more warm-up to sound its subtle best. A TT drive system reaches most of its potential in a half hour or so. So practically speaking, for a fair comparison between the formats the CDP should be le... 
Why Do You Still Have Vinyl if You Don't Play it?
Mitch4t, sounds like a good solution. Good luck to you and your son. 
Why Do You Still Have Vinyl if You Don't Play it?
A top notch digital set-up can be very nice which I've had but once vinyl is played well it's game over, it's as simple as that.DevYou should have mentioned that's your take because I would have to totally disagree when you suggest digital can't h... 
Why Do You Still Have Vinyl if You Don't Play it?
Sold mine five or six years ago after realizing they weren't going to get played. I auctioned them off here in sets of ten lps or so. If you go this route don't expect a huge windfall but I didn't do it for the money. Just wanted the lps to go to ... 
CD's vs Vinyl - Finally hear the difference
Personally I have had digital all over the place from $2,500.00 to well over $60K in my set-up including the PlayBack, to me up against my vinyl set-up there just no comparison, it's back ground music.DevWow! That's a lot to pay for background music. 
CD's vs Vinyl - Finally hear the difference
Best way to enjoy digital; Don't listen to analog.Rodman99999That about says it. And it's what I do. Man I do enjoy my digital. 
Can I take American equipment to Europe?
Rbrowne is correct, unless your equipment can be easily converted to European voltage. When I was stationed in Europe we used step down transformers of various ratings. They are fairly large pieces depending on what you are running. The small volt... 
From pro to hi-fi and a little confused...
The problem I have with active (owned them twice) speakers is they are a pain to turn on and off. I'm not one of those who leaves equipment on 24/7 and it was a pain to reach behind the speakers for the power switch. This may not concern you if yo...