
Responses from timrhu

Bob Dylan finally makes sense....
One of my favorite quotes comes from an early Dylan interview. When asked why his music seemed to have lost some of the bitter edge he replied (and I paraphrase) "it's hard to be a bitter millionaire."Musician? Not so great.Folk poet? One of the b... 
Help Me --Will I blow my system?
Absolutely no problem unless you try to blow your walls down with the sound. Good luck and welcome. 
Sony Integrated What's Available ???????
I believe the 808 was the best Sony made. Not sure if it is the mst powerful though. The TA-F707ES is virtually the same inside but lacks the better speaker terminal and dampening material. Check this link out for info http://www.thevintageknob.or... 
need help breaking in speaker cables
Experiencing the break in is part of the enjoyment. How else can you determine whether or not fully broken in cables sound "better" than before the process if you don't monitor the change. Have you never thought a component sounded worse after bre... 
driving LSi15s
I am alternating between a Classe CAP-151 (150 watts) and an Anthem MCA-20 (200 watts). My Polks are in a small room and I don't listen at high volume but the Classe sounds great with them. 
Buying decision time, or Time for a sanity check?
How about putting in a ridiculously low bid on a piece of gear you had no intention of buying only to win? That's happened to me both on Audiogon and ebay. It's not all that bad because it's a good deal. I'm listening to one of those buys right no... 
PSB Stratus Mini's
Are you absolutely committed to monitor speakers? I had my system in a very small room for a while and tried a few different monitors including NHT SB-3, PSB Stratus Mini, Von Schweikert VR-1, Totem Model 1s and a few others but none of them did i... 
Can a component after complete breaking reverse ?
Tvad, this makes sense to me also. I'm sure the designers understand the workings of a capacitor, now if you said it was a salesman explaining component operating theory...Fotis k, what's the funniest electric shock story you have? One of my favor... 
Can a component after complete breaking reverse ?
Tvad, they are incorrect. Very easy to demonstrate by connecting an electrollytic cap to a power supply for a second or two. Disconnect it, short the two ends with a screwdriver and watch the sparks fly. Back in my Air Force days a common practica... 
Can a component after complete breaking reverse ?
Tvad, I think you mean capacitors will hold a charge for the better part of a day but take only milliseconds to become charged. 
Canadian Musicians
Rick Hopkins, those are some good looking sources. Thanks. Wonderful thread BTW. 
Can a component after complete breaking reverse ?
Facts??? How absurd!Sorry, I couldn't resist. Sometimes I'm too literal. 
Am I a burning out audiophile????
I think I'll air up my tires this evening. Haven't gone for a ride since we moved two months ago. 
Planar speaker question
I agree with Chadnliz about the LFT8As. If you're looking to experiment with planars a pair of used Eminent Technologies is a great place to start. 
Meridian 508.24 problem
My experience was a simple fix on a Sony cdp, don't recall model. I removed the cover, located the lens and sprayed the air can at it. It did not look dirty but when I turned it on and put in a disc the player worked for the first time in a month ...