
Responses from timrhu

How can you not have multichannel system
The question I asked remains unanswered; what listening perspective do you get with multi-channel playback? As stated before, it makes perfect sense for recordings made at a live concert where listeners are surrounded by crowd noise. But what is g... 
How can you not have multichannel system
Sorry Mrtennis, but you lose 40 loveMig007, your knowledge of tennis is suspect. At 40 love the game is not finished. 
How can you not have multichannel system
Your video analogy is absurd unless you have eyes in the back of your head.I can understand the live event being issued in multi-channel as the effect of crowd noise surrounding the listener is true to the event. Remixing "Blood On The Tracks" is ... 
How can you not have multichannel system
How much music is recorded in multi-channel format? I presume the original "Live At The Fillmore East" recording was not multi-channel. Was it reprocessed? Digitally enhanced? Or were the multi-channel tracks just rearranged to fit the SACD format... 
What is the best full range Speaker ?
I am starting out and have budgeted approx. $5k - $7k for speakersThat's an amazing statement. 
man do I miss Tower records and
I was in The missing Link store a couple of years ago; not to purchase but to see what my lp collection was worth. Not much to the store owner so I auctioned them off on Agon. The store was located in a small house in Broadripple, the "hip" part o... 
will adding a subwoofer improve overall audio
In my experience the sub lets me hear the ambient sound of the room the recording was made in, if that information is available on the recording. Several tracks on Joni Mitchell's "Blue" are examples where you can hear the air in the room much bet... 
man do I miss Tower records and
It's happening all over. A local vinyl store called Missing Link is closing in Indianapolis. The owner has some comments relevant to Agon members in the linked article. 
Building a Golden Cuboid Listening Room garage
Check this system out. Mike gives a link to an article relating his experience building his room. It should prove informative. 
On or off question...
I think this forum needs a frequently asked question section. Outstanding idea!But to the question. Turn it off until you plan to listen, then turn it on 15 minutes prior to listening. 
What happened to Plastic CD Cases?
I prefer the cardboard/paper cases. My only concern is longevity. But then again I have some lps that are nearing 40 years old and the covers are still intact. Worn? Yes, but still serviceable. 
Companies with good customer service?
Here's a recent thread with a similar theme. 
Top Alternative Rock Albums of 2008
Wireless200, as "Come On Feel The Illinoise" is the best album released in the last few years (IMO) I'm going to get a copy of "Car Alarm." 
Bookshelf Speakers That Bolt or Screw Into Stands
The Revel M-20s have threaded inserts for bolting them to the Revel stands. I did not have the Revel stands so I bought some 1/4 inch thick plexiglass pieces to bolt them to my stands. I had to first drill holes in the plexiglass to match my stand... 
To repair/replace Utopia Be
It is straightforward as long as the leads to the driver are not soldered on. I've replaced bad drivers before (darn kids) but only one tweeter. Just be sure to note which wire goes where and remember there may be some pretty strong magnets involv...