
Responses from timeltel

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Nandric: This cart came on an ADC headshell, for which I'm always on the lookout. The stylus pulled from my drawer full of such, the outcome of a bulk purchase from several years ago. Although the XV-15 was never a "cheap" cart, altogethe... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Better to spend one's time learning Chinese. Currently enjoying a Pickering XV-15 with a middle of the pack 750D elliptical, clean bass and clear mids but a somewhat sandpaper/raspy hf. Considering a more extreme profile (Shibata or Vivid Line sty... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Nikola: In 1992 J. Gordon Holt left his position as technical editor at High Fidelity magazine, this is part of his address:"We speak in hushed and reverent tones about reproducing the ineffable beauty of music, when in fact much real mus... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Lew: Just a small detail, you say? Reminds me of the '56 DeSoto a guy tried to sell me many, many years ago. "Just a rod knocking" said he. Just finished listening to Willie Nelson's 1978 "Stardust" with the F9-L, a delightful combinatio... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Nandric: Hi, Nikola! In a purely conversational mode, here's some more to toss around, this from Dual in the '70s when everyone drank the low-mass koolaide:"The high inertia of a typical tonearm-cartridge combination with a total of 18gm ... 
Signet MR 5.0 me - LPGear replacement stylus
Regards, Mingles: Either TurntableNeeles or StereoNeedles (no association) will group compatible styli. At the StereoNeedles site, styli from either group "K" or "L" will work, group "L" styli are not equipped with a hinged stylus protector. Not c... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Nandric: For discussion purposes, consider Young's modulus: "The bulk elastic properties of a material determine how much it will compress under a given amount of external pressure. The ratio of the change in pressure to the fractional vo... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Nandric/Raul: First, forgive my heresy in introducing a MC cart to a MM thread, especially a HOMC. Nikola, you've made most of the points needed for consideration. No one should think that for US 200.00 they're going to buy a world champi... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Raul: About 20 hrs. on the SAE 1000LT. Bass is tightening up, hfs are clear without any sense of glare or rising high end. Ordered a second one today. Received a most considerate call from the vendor, Alfred, who wanted to make certain th... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Raul: El Diablo! (grin). Or something with Grace written on it, or ADC, or Shure, Empire, Azden, or, or, or----. I did pick up, about a month ago, one each of the SAE 1000 carts. Neither is broken in yet but first impressions are the 1000... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Stltrains: The AT7V will readily accept your 155lc styli. Not quite as full in the mids as the TK7LC though. The 7V is a NEAR clone, crisp and accurate but IMHO not quite as involving but then in general I prefer the lower inductance/outp... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Stltrains. Engaging. Hi, Mike. Not my best cart, someone might say a number of other carts I listen to are "finer", the P8E/ES, AT20SS, TK9LC with the ATN25 stylus, an AT22 or several others. Depending on criteria such as extraction of de... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Fleib: Yes, I got that, but why so much emphasis on cantilever angle (VTA)? "---found the VTA of most cartridges too high (average 28 o ) to match the then current 15 o standard. With the change to an 18 o standard, matters were moved in ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Fleib: Did you read the copy from the B.A.S. above? It relates cantilever angles differing by almost 25*, the writer seems to suggest that 20-22* is best. I read years ago that cutting angles varied from one machine/producer to another th... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Regards, Nandric: Having a "wry" sense of humor refers to a dry or ironic humor, your post was delightfully endowed with both. If I may remind you of your reference to the VdH warning about destroying records through excessive AS? Observing the or...