
Responses from tiggerfc

Favorite Pianists
Excellent recs so far. Thanks for the great response to this thread. Keep on adding to the list! 
How is Mid Fi defined?
My father is an engineer. Exactly why I'm not, but may still eventually be. I like a certain mystery to life and the things that surround me. Otherwise everything is just too predictable and boring. And you know what? I can't imagine being much ha... 
How is Mid Fi defined?
If you are just "getting by" or "putting up" with your crappy, low-cost $13,000 power cable then it is definitely mid-fi. Maybe low mid-fi. 
Neophyte question about DAC's...
I just posted this a bit ago regarding this very question. More of a way to show what you can get out of internet radio, especially Pandora which I use exclusively now. It was recorded on an iPhone but still, you may get the idea.http://www.youtub... 
Anyone have any experience in car audio?
Dynamat can be an expensive venture. Especially if you do it right. But if you do decide to do it, do it right and spend the dough. One square foot pieces here and there won't do a thing to help you. Its all about full coverage. You'll need to pul... 
Can Interconnects be converted to speaker cables
Don't know why you'd want to. You'd be chewing up a perfectly good pair of interconnects in order to convert them to speaker cables. And besides, its really not quite the same. If you want to try it, then by all means do it. But there's a reason I... 
Anyone have any experience in car audio?
First, do you have a sub-level knob linked to the amp that may be dash mounted? Or maybe hidden in the center console?If you do, use it.Do you have an aftermarket head unit? The gear you have isn't bad at all so I'm expecting that you spent some c... 
Dr. Dre Beats
Never thought of that. Thanks for the tip! 
Dr. Dre Beats
These cooling fans hit 102db when the cabinets are open. I go through a lot of earplugs. But the place I'd go to really do my listening is around 78db. Either way, sound isolation I think is key. Hey, it's better than no hearing protection and the... 
Dr. Dre Beats
Lol! Thanks Gopher. BTW, any and all of your thoughts or ideas/suggestions would be welcome. I'm slowly picking up on a few things from head-fi but suggestions for a person like me who doesn't know a thing about headphones and specific to what I'm... 
Acoustic/Classical guitar. Who is your favorite?
Erik MongrainTrace Bundy 
Dr. Dre Beats
Well that's where I come up with my most basic problem. I work in a generally noisy environment. All the fans and electronic cooling water lines and computer gear all going at once. It averages 90db in my workspace. Noise cancelling would be a nic... 
Dr. Dre Beats
Thanks everyone for your inputs. I'll check into head-fi. I think I even started an account there awhile ago but that was as far as I got. And yes, you are all correct when you say I should be able to get into some really good headphones for the b... 
MONSTER question
I don't want to hi-jack this thread but seeing as it is two years old and revived, I thought I'd make one quick comment about Monster. They do a lot of bullying with their lawyers, they scare off existing and new cable makers all the time claiming... 
You know you're an audiophile if--
When you dream of your stereo. Or a power cable like last night. A POWER CABLE! The whole time! I need help.