

Responses from three_easy_payments

Spendor D7, D9 but no love Classic 100?
@itzhak Thanks! I will definitely move to the spikes shortly as my prior speakers used them, tightening the bass quite a bit. I just didn’t want to tweak too much at once as I want to incrementally note the effect of each change. 
Spendor D7, D9 but no love Classic 100?
@avanti1960 The D7s just arrived today and I've just started running them in.  No doubt there is a treble edge that I never heard in the pair I demoed.  However it's also immediately clear these speakers have a ton of potential as they run in.  Ve... 
Help with room treatment?
Don't forget about the "free" room treatments.  I recently further experimented with speaker placement and was amazed by the sonic improvement from moving them further out from the rear wall.  
Newbie looking for speakers
@audionoobieThe only crazy thing I've read so far is proposing that you can get nice french Bordeaux for $20 ;-) 
Value Integrated Tube Amps
For just a bit more ($2,895) and new, the Cronus Magnum 3 looks like a sweet upgrade from the 2. The CM3 can operate in Triode mode, using an external switch selects between ultra linear (100WPC) and triode (60WPC) operation on the fly.  Plus the ... 
I want a streamer
Price range? 
Does anyone play two pairs of speakers at the same time?
only while taking hallucinogens  
Considering switching to Tubes
I dipped my toe into the world of tubes buying a fairly low-priced, 40W, used integrated tube amp - I figured it was pretty low risk and I could sell if for about what I paid for it, if needed. I fell in love with the sound and never looked back. 
So just how much vinyl do YOU own?
and then there's this guy from Brazil, with 6 million LPs:https://thevinylfactory.com/features/inside-the-worlds-biggest-record-collection-an-interview-with-zero-freitas/  
Wharfedale Linton Heritage 85th Anniversary
I see they are listed at $1,498 at MusicDirect.  Does that price include stands?  I have the Denton 80th Anniversaries in a second system paired with a Cary SLI-80.  I do like the sound although these may pair even better with their 90dB sensitivi... 
Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?
So if it's a hobby that you enjoy, why would anyone want to be done?  Honestly, I have no desire to "be done".  It's exploration and new experiences. 
Spendor D7, D9 but no love Classic 100?
@avanti1960 I recently read your D7 thread on the Hoffman forums with great interest.  After demoing the D7s I have a pair on order right now.  Good to know about the prolonged run in time.  The pair I heard were amazing and I didn't note the treb... 
Ultimate power condotioner
I don't think your power was conditioned, rather it's being minimally degraded. 
Simple question about Rega planar 3
I don't think you should have any issue with the cartridge weight with default counterweight.  I can make a few comparisons to when I had a properly set up Ortofon 2M Bronze on a P3.  The XX-2 weighs 8 grams and Bronze weighs 7.2 g.  There was sti... 
Spendor D7, D9 but no love Classic 100?
I'm not sure it's fair to compare the D7 to the Classic 100.  The D7 is a completely different animal and comes in at half the price of the Classic 100.  I would think folks in the market for a Classic 100 may be making more comparisons against sa...