

Responses from three_easy_payments

How far have ss amps really come in the last twenty years?
There's another aspect that comes into play which I think is perhaps the biggest advance - price for performance on an inflation-adjusted basis you get way more today. 
Need a new cartridge recommendation for clearudio concept black.
for a MM-only phono preamp I prefer the Hana EH over the Ortofon 2M Bronze.  Both are at the same price point. 
Mono Recordings
For me a mono recording has it's biggest impact in vinyl format.  Less detail in mono compared to stereo but a good mono recording certainly has it's own soundstage and in my view it's more pure to the live performance.  No crazy panning from left... 
"completion"?  - no one is buying it ;-) 
Customer Product Reviews on Web-Based Retailers
This is the reason I don't trust Yelp! reviews either for restaurants.  They are inherently unreliable and easily manipulated.  I'd rather read an article from an author I trust..including those in this very forum are far more credible than some r... 
What a sad world we now live in.......
In 2018 music streaming accounted for more than 75% of music consumption.  Why would a retailer waste floor space on CD product that doesn't sell when it can be replaced my more profitable merchandise per square foot?  This is a total non-shocker. 
Wireless Router - Noise Culprit
I suppose it's also an argument for using wireless connections instead of ethernet cable to your streamer.   
Wireless Router - Noise Culprit
@erik_squires Yes, the phono cables are shielded. I'm wondering if there is noise interaction that occurs with the cart? 
5A Vandersteen
@johnto  I think that's one of the problems with audio, it's becoming a hobby of exclusion due to crazy prices. I have to disagree.  I don't think there's ever been a better time to get high-value & performance at a reasonable price than tod... 
Most “disappeared” speakers.
+1 (again) to all those commenting on setup/placement.    
Synposium Acoustics - Impressed!
My evening was spent assembling my new Symposium Foundation rack and migrating my gear over.  Truly impressed with the quality of the rack in terms of both engineering and performance.  Undeniably lowered the noise floor.  I decided to place the f... 
Bought some `Vintage Gear`
Similar experience here a couple of years ago picking up a late 70s Marantz DC170 amp.  Really lovely sound for cheap. 
Spendor D7, D9 but no love Classic 100?
@milpai Thanks!...and good advice.  I spent some time last evening working on placement and feel I have them dialed in really well.  Now back to the music ;-) 
Kimber 12tc incompatibility with ayre my-r twenty
I knew someone smarter than I would explain ;-)  
Kimber 12tc incompatibility with ayre my-r twenty
so the cheap Best Buy cables are better shielded than the Kimbers?  Somebody with far more audio experience and electrical understanding will need to explain how any speaker cable can shut down an amp.  From the perspective of someone not very kno...