
Responses from thespeakerdude

Is Imaging Worth Chasing?
@paul6002  (what happened to @paul6001 ?)   I completely disagree with @mijostyn. Imaging is very easy. In fact, you already found out exactly how to get it, It happens, every now and then. For some reason, I was once right up next to my speak... 
Opinion: Modern country is the worst musical genre of all time
@alexatpos , I thought it was catchy, with a good beat. It would not even make it into my top-5.  If I had to vote, I would probably say that brief period of what came across as highly manufactured music from the 60s, like this: https://www.youtu... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
Danny's channel is part fact, part tongue in cheek, with more than a small helping of BS. The crossover he made for the SF is different not necessarily better. Some aspects of the response were smoothed but the off axis is worse. You will see it r... 
Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?
@kota1 , What point are you trying to make. You know we are in agreement, that we both feel Amir's room is a bit of a disaster, though the smooth dispersion of the Revels will help. The speakers are measured with a device that measures totally i... 
Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?
@mastering92 , I could not have proven my point better, if I had written your post myself. If you are going to attempt to discredit someone online, including me, I would recommended what you write being accurate, supportable, and relevant. Making ... 
Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?
@mastering92 , how many people work under you?? What is the most number of people you have ever had work under you at a company? Microsoft is huge. How many people at Microsoft have 1,000 people under them? You argument about them being a huge co... 
Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?
@kota1 you must have very long arms. I don't think you will be taking the crown away from Amir any time soon. Big fish, very small pond. No need for the crown for me, I have my own Klippel to play with any time I want. Technically not my own, but ... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@donavabdear , you know you should not make me say this, but I will. You need to set the Lyngdorf to perfectly flat, volume match it to the BHK pre, and then compare them with someone else's help so you can't tell which is which ... but you can't ... 
Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?
@kota1, we are in agreement about Amir's room. What a disaster. My ears are ringing just looking at it. I do respect those speakers though. There are some that ascribe to a view that we can adapt our hearing to complex rooms. Probably that is true... 
Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?
I got sucked into the rabbit hole and read far too much of this topic. I am torn between rolling on the floor laughing at the gymnastics some will do to discredit others, and feeling I need a shower to wash off the filth for the same reason.  I do... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
Well I can't say I ever heard that music in clubs back in the "old day".  Old school often seems to be what younger people think older people listened to, not what we actually did :-)   I liked that first mix by Takanome. The amapiano mix by DJRob... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
@donnylovely - No, I know I am not an EE, but I have quite a few who work for me and I have managed a lot of projects with EE involved. I understand my limitations especially when working on someone else's equipment. This is not a simple tube or t... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
What the heck are you talking about.  Nitpicking? I expect someone going in with a soldering iron and modifying someone else's amp to be an expert and understand what things are. Paragraphs of flowery language does not excuse that requirement. Cav... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@donavabdear , Are you going to be using these speakers as part of a larger multichannel setup or purely 2 channel? I have had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with the MBL101, perhaps the "ultimate" omni-directional speaker (I think they ... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
@ricevs , it would probably be best not to post links to technical articles you do not fully understand. I was trying to be nice before and give you a way out. Class-D and PWM are not the same thing. A Class-D amplifier may use PWM. However, that ...