
Responses from thespeakerdude

Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@erik_squires I feel the same about the video :-).  If it's the dip I think you mean that is likely just the stacked two way dip.  
Why Is Hi Fi Gear So Darn Expensive?
Never in my life has "high fidelity" been so inexpensive. It's really incredible. Near perfect DACs for not much more than a high end dinner for two with wine and a tip. Near perfect amps for about 2 weeks of the average US salary. No one knew wha... 
Best Class D GaNFET Amp Comparison. Who to invite?
Why only GaN @jeffseight ​​​​​​?   It is just out of curiosity?  
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@erik_squires - what time mark in the video. I looked at a few plots on another video and noted strange off axis.  
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@kota1 for reasons only known to you you have issues with me. Feel free to direct message me and rant all you want. Be respectful and don’t make your issue everyone else’s issue as you are doing. It is disrespectful to everyone else here. Only you... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@kota1 for reasons only known to you you have issues with me. Feel free to direct message me and rant all you want. Be respectful and don’t make your issue everyone else’s issue as you are doing. It is disrespectful to everyone else here. Only you... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@kota1 for reasons only known to you you have issues with me. Feel free to direct message me and rant all you want. Be respectful and don’t make your issue everyone else’s issue as you are doing. It is disrespectful to everyone else here. Only you... 
Is Imaging Worth Chasing?
@kota1 for reasons only known to you you have issues with me. Feel free to direct message me and rant all you want. Be respectful and don’t make your issue everyone else’s issue as you are doing. It is disrespectful to everyone else here. Only you... 
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@lonemountain ,   I am a huge proponent of active obviously but i also have to accept that a complex (expensive) passive crossover can achieve almost all that an active system can. You would not see that in a professional monitor. Most of our c... 
Is Imaging Worth Chasing?
@kota1 ,   The size of the image is limited by what is on the recording not by the speakers. This statement proves you don’t have a system, don’t have any speakers, and don’t have a clue. More arguing, more nonsense, more trolling. Speakers do... 
Is Imaging Worth Chasing?
Point source speakers require much more room treatment, horns are not as difficult. The best point source systems can image beautifully but they always produce a small image even sitting near field. I have never heard a point source system convin... 
Is Imaging Worth Chasing?
@kota1 , I will repeat what I said in another topic where you trolled my post. Was not having your whole topic removed a good enough lesson on behavior?  It is rude to use a discussion for what now appears to be a vendetta. @kota1  you posted, in... 
Made in USA
I think you will find a lot of high end American audio products also lack any safety testing like UL or equivalent.  
Is Imaging Worth Chasing?
@mijostyn I can't agree with you on line source provide better imaging in a well set up room. In a poorly setup room, I definitely see your point as it is much easier to control the direct/reflected energy ratio. That is even more true when lookin... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
You only need one fuse in an amp to protect it.....It has a fuse on the power DO NOT need two fuses in a row.    How about you run that by UL, or ETL or TUV.  I assume you don't understand what that first fuse is for, but the one...