

Responses from theo

Hand drying records using a VPI 16.5 or the like.
I use the drying cloths that come with a SpinClean record cleaner. These do a great job of absorbing the moisture out of the grooves but a little air drying is still suggested. Here is the link to where I bought mine.http://www.dedicatedaudio.com/... 
Anyone know of a source for long-fiber wool?
Hippie Sheep! 
Wishing everyone a "Merry Christmas"
Amen to that. And a very Joyous Christmas to you as well. 
Center Channel with Revel M22s
Is there any reason you dodn't want a C32? That is the matched center for the M22 or F32. I am using the C32 with my F32/M22 setup and it voice matches perfectly. 
Right angle IEC power cable
I have a Cardas Golden PC that I ordered through a dealer and they only charged like 20.00 more to do it. I would think most companies would accommodate you. 
Rega RP10 tt and RB2000 tonearm - coming in 2014
I will be interesting to hear one in person. I have been very impressed with the RP8. It looks to be about the same plinth with a few exceptions to the overall shape. I am sure the RB2000 will be a major contributor to the added cost as will the b... 
Stillpoints Ultra SS adapter needed, help...
Looking at your pictures and being unfamiliar with the Stillpoints. I am curious if the stud can be removed from the Stillpoints? If so the I would remove them and drill and tap the new holes to accept the 3/8" thread you need.I think and adapters... 
Audio Research LS17 mod
I can't answer to the Caps used, but one other improvement that comes with the SE is an improved power supply. It was taylored after thye same power supply used in the LS-27 which to my understanding prompted the Ref 5-SE as it brought the LS 27 v... 
Happy Thanksgiving to all from Jay Buridan
Good gifts go be thankful for, Jay. I will add thanks for the freedom to listen at will and the ability to buy as budget allows. And a Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. 
Why do McIntosh come with cheap plastic remotes?
Maybe they assume that the end user will probably use a universal remote and the included remote needent be of high quality. But I must add that I have had a number of McIntosh pre-pros/pre-amps and the remotes we of a standard quality. My last pe... 
Best movie to see what your HT AUDIO will do.
In addition to U571, which as indicated would be my go to, especially if I was a "subwoofer salesman", but I would also add "Cowboys and Aliens" to the above suggestions. 
Directv to ARC DAC?
Recently when DirecTV added Pandora I tried an Arcam irDAC to see if I could improve on the sound. I didn't notice any real discernible improvements nor differences that warranted the purchase. Both my dealer and I agreed that the quality level of... 
Did you get your new Music Direct catalogue yet?
They do very nice catalog indeed. Got mine Wednesday and have been spending much time "dreaming" of what I should buy. It is just so much nicer than staring at a monitor. I would love to visit their store someday. 
Cd Recorder Operation
I have a Pioneer Elite and a Denon Dual Tray that I have used many times to make compilation discs. On both you have the option to select "track" or "entire disc". So you slect the track and hit play or record depending on your recorder, being a s... 
What brand is most recognized by non-audiophiles?
It seems the brand I get the most when people find out I am into music and equipment. "Oh do you have Bose?" I think to myself,Serioulsy? Bose!! I find it very hard to explain to them that, Bose, isn't even a good place to start. But not to appear...