

Responses from theo

Vienna Beethoven Baby Grand vs Mozart Grand
I think they sound very close in timbre. But the Beethoven do every thing better and with more authority. The Motzartsare a tremendous value but I would consider a sub to finish what they start. The Beethovens seem to come prepared to do the whole... 
Toslink VS Coaxial Digital Connection
My opinion, and opinion is all I have to offer from personal experience. I have a SAT receiver that forced me to use Toslink on a 18 foot run and recently I got a new receiver that had coax. I switched back to coax soon after and I feel that I hav... 
Denon 3910..What next ?
I would say step into a 5910ci. I did trade my 3910 in on one about 2 yrs ago and it is much better machine in video and audio reproduction. I will be selling mine as soon as the DVD-A1UDci hits the market. 
Understanding Mcintosh Meters?
Farjamed, first off in answer to your question about the 4 or 8 ohm concern, If you have autoformers then the meteres self correct for the impedance driven. I have own a number of Mc amps and find that the meters do indicate about how much power y... 
Converting LP to digital. Advice please...
Alan thank you for the offer but with my crappy speakers on my computer I doubt I would notice. 
Converting LP to digital. Advice please...
Alan do you feel that the Click repair does so by narrowing the bandwidth? I just wonder how it identifies the clicks and pops if not by frequency. I would be interested how that affects the final sound. 
Elvis Aaron Presley 1-8-35 8-16-77
Thank You....Thank you very much....uh huh huh 
Replacing Mcintosh front glass.
It probabaly is just dirty. Mcintosh uses 1/4 glass and it is not a laminated safety glass when it breaks it cracks, not shatter. To replace I recommend calling Mcintosh and order a service manual and expect to pay about 15.00 and then you can see... 
Converting LP to digital. Advice please...
Thanks for all the help and advice. I was wondering since I have a CD recorder if I could record onto a CD-RW. Then take the CD-RW and transfer it to my computer and is there a software that will let me add the individual tracks and then transfer ... 
NACA5 Speaker Cable
Actually I bi-wired using the Linn for the high/mid and naca for the bass and that really sounded best with my Revels. 
NACA5 Speaker Cable
I used the Naca5 for years and just upgraded to Harmic Tech pro9 but if you need any Naca5 I have 2 18ft and 1 15ft I would make you adeal on. Very good sounding cable for the money and I also have Linn cable too. 
Best way to connect Mac mx135 to mac mc206
I have only done XLR to Xlr or Rca to Rca. I would see if any one chimes in on that, but me feeling is RCA to Xlr woul be better than XLR to RCA. Just my feeling s on that no real experience to speak from. Does the 206 have XLR my 7205 had only RCA? 
Review: Cardas Reference Series Golden & Neutral Ref, Golden Pres. Interconnect
Great to see some positive Cardas print. I have a complete Golden Reference system and don't know that I will ever change. Not sure what would be an improvement in the same price range. And the Cardas folks are great to work with.Colleen and Darla... 
Aurios Isolation & Talisman Magnetic Optimizer?
As far at the Aurios go I have an LP12 (very sensative) and that definitely contributes to the solution. It doesn't solve it by themselves but I would not be able to walk by the playing tt witout them. 
Best way to connect Mac mx135 to mac mc206
I would use the RCA to RCA I have had a number of Mc pre/pros and they all have that 25 pin hookup. I currently have the MX135 and just traded a MC7205 (5 channel version of the MC206)in aon a MC205 and the 205 doesn't have it. So I think McIntosh...