

Responses from theo

Cleaning LPs: How hard should one 'scrub'?
With Walker P4 as you use on a 16.5 I don't apply too much pressure. I w/step 1 and 2 soak it let it spin for about 10-15 seconds each and then agitate the fluid till it foams up the vac., 3 and 4 I just spread it on and vac it off. My concern is ... 
What do you think?
I understand the feeling of having one's territory invaded. But as territorial I am, I can't see any real harm. I wouldn't do that but then I have a camera. In a case where someone does not have a camera, maybe he needs to sell his item to obtain ... 
Cleaning solution
Second on the Walker Quartet. I have tried a number of things it seems to get the vinyl exposed best for the stylus. However I would like to try the MoFi Enzyme and Pure Was as it is only two steps. The 4 step process of the Walker gets a little o... 
best vocal harmonies in rock
Second the Everly Bros. didn't see the Eagles listed. Maybe not rock but Ronstadt, Harris and Parton had some great harmonies 
PS Audio vs Audioquest
The only advantage I can atest to, is that PS has a removable ground pin. I have had AudioQuest PC cables but is has been years. I currently have mostly Cardas Gr and a couple of PS Audio's older Plus and Prelude. They seem to do what I need them ... 
Anyone else in my shoes? Ears going.........
It is a fear of mine as I just hit 53. I kinda like Zenieth's idea. "Viva Ear-igra!". It's all nerve endings in the ear isn't it? Hope I am just looking for hope. 
Connecting F-type cable to Mcintosh Tuner
There is an adapter available. It has a place for two screws and a female F-type you will need a male F to F block. All should be available at radio Shack. You might also look at making an female f type with stranded wire I believe that would yeil... 
Why do Audiophiles feel the need...
I think it fullfills a fantasy that they could be on the staff of Stereophile or Absolute Sound and write an opinion that all would make a "intelligent" buying decision. Also we all have a need, as Samjohn states, to be helpful. And this is a plac... 
Availability protocol?
I can only say from exerience that marking an item "sold" before the transaction is complete comes back to bite you. I have had inquiries past an agreement with another buyer and have the original buyer back out or somehow "vaporize" as you can ne... 
As MoFi mentioned I had issue with my first unit. But AR replaced it and no problems since. The manual does mention a "reboot" procedure. I forget how they lable in the manual but you hit mute, the turn it off, unplug it for a length of time ??(it... 
$5000 universal player ... am I a fool ?
Another option is Denon will be releasing their new BluRay later this year. This will replace the 5910ci. The new player will play all discs and Bluray. I currently have a 5910ci as well as a Ayre C5xeMP. I use the denon for movies and multi chann... 
Bottlehead Seduction and tube rolling help
Mofi, you cause me concern....and you critcize me for loving blue meters....uh huh..yep:) 
Mcintosh sound
I actually at one time had the Kappa 7's and when the time came for me to switch from a Yamaha amp to Mcintosh I could only afford a MC7205. It sounded better and brought out what I thought was lacking in mid's. Then I bought a MC352 with autoform... 
Mcintosh sound
I have had mcintosh Pre-amps and amps for years. I feel that you really can't beat the overall value of the amplifiers or their pre-pros. The magnetic switching promises many years of trouble free service. As far as sound goes. There maybe better,... 
Would you pay to audition speakers
This guy is taking a whole new and creative way of driving himself out of business. Wasting Time?? Just how long is the line out his door and down the sidewalk. Is it a nude model doing the demo? When nI bought my last speakers I narrowed it down ...