
Responses from theaudiotweak

Please help, obsessive audiophile question
Suppose I should have read all the posts and responses before posting my own response to the intial thread..Tom 
Please help, obsessive audiophile question
Panel based speakers are quite variable in response and hence balance and image.So has been my experience of ownership..If your room is perfectly symetrical in geometry and placement of sound panels, then I would look towards the speakers themselv... 
Review: Harmonic Precision Caravelle Monitor
Suits me just fine ..Replaced my almost still Dunlavy SC4's that now have outboard x-overs and 4k worth of mods with these babies..Caravelle's are more dynamic more musical, more transparent, more coherent, better bass..Compare to the big boys... ... 
Review: Harmonic Precision Caravelle Monitor
Ran out of adjectives..Rewrite of the dictionary is going on as I write this..Creation of new vocabulary and exempalaries are required to describe the Caravelle..Tom 
Guidelines for treating cathedral ceilings
Chris I am not kidding..They helped my Dunlavys and all that I placed them on..Tom 
Sistrum or Neuance or...?
I love the way this junk improves the sound of my stuff and so do my friends also enjoy vasts amount of smiles when they listen to their stuff on top of this junk.It makes their stuff sound bigger taller wider as if the band has moved into their p... 
Sony SCD-1 or BAT VK-D5 / D5SE
How could it be better than the BAT on SACD? Tom 
Sony SCD-1 or BAT VK-D5 / D5SE
My 10 year old PS audio transport and dac killed the Sony on Redbook..I since have purchased the Krell DACD Standard which is wonderful in all respects..Tom 
Guidelines for treating cathedral ceilings
Mr.Promo you need the sonic surfboards..Tom 
Sistrum or Neuance or...?
Psychiccritter.. you in all of your one liner wisdom and your soup sandwich approach to hi-fi will never get it.. you, yourself and not I, have predetermined that...Tom 
Sistrum or Neuance or...?
Hello Jay.Your right.. The easiest way to explain Sistrum is to have someone put it to use in their system. It then becomes the most effective means of communication.All the mis conceptions and predispositions melt away..Tom 
Sistrum or Neuance or...?
Sean if you had one at your door would you not have the time to try it?..Would you not trust your own ears? Are you afraid the aural results would conflict with your predisposition to science and to the Sistrum product? Tom 
Sistrum or Neuance or...?
I thought you could see me smelling the bud from afar..Tom 
Sistrum or Neuance or...?
Big bang was in holes were in dispute. If it ain't in the book it ain't so.Tesla is still being pondered. Some dilbert hundred years ago said there is nothing left to be discovered. Nose so close to the pages ya can't see the edges.... 
Sistrum or Neuance or...?
Ohlala what I saw on the RTA was more energy and yet a smoother in room response from about 200hz on up to about 3k..There was about a 1.5db gain in spl..using pink noise. Smoother means less rises and valleys, the read out on the screen of the rt...