
Responses from theaudiotweak

Preamp Deal of the Century
My backround in audio and video goes back over thirty years. It is and has been my hobby and profession over the same span of time. I have owned way back tube equipment from Marantz, Mac, Arc, Conrad, Sonic Frontiers ,Cary and Melos and Bat..Some ... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Tubegroover sir..I question more the method of inserting a new device into one's system than the the mere presence of the device itself. How many of us have re-tuned our system by mix-ing and not matching cables? Was it the color that we just adde... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Could it be that tube rolling is like mixing and matching cables in ones system? Compensation for certain attributes one thinks or feels that their system maybe lacking. Adding color here and there to fill in and round out what a particular system... 
Wilson W/P6 with Krell 350mcx, turn into home thea
Krell has a trade up/in for Hts 7.1 for a limited time..Check with an area dealer..Great sounding piece..I do not know of all the particulars..Tom 
What did YOU get for Christmas?
Santa bought and brought me a Krell SACD player some more fabulous Sonoran Plateau cables and a Bravo 1 dvd player. All are excellent and of high value. That Santa guy and I always agree. Tom 
Krell SACD-new review in Hi-fi+
Ben its not the volume its the resolution...thats filling the space around me...Its a sight to see...Tom 
Krell SACD-new review in Hi-fi+
Wow! Wall to wall stage. 21.5 feet wide 9 feet tall. Tom 
Krell SACD-new review in Hi-fi+
Just received mine today..Sounds killer right out of the box..Even better after the first hour of play time. No such thing as isolation. Sounds great looks cool on my Sistrum Sp6 rack...I intend to write more about this player as time allows and b... 
What is the best tweak?
Geometry..No such thing as isolation ..Dampening sucks the life out of the music..Geometry redirects the musical performance to the listener and can redirect resonant energy to ground. Preserve the performance..Long live the music..Tom 
Rotel or B&K, who's warmer?
If you want something better... revealing, not warm and colored, try the Belles amps..great value, true hi-end..Tom 
I found my ideal interconnect - Sonoran Plateau
Francisco when you have your mighty new cables finished and broken in bring them on down here to Bluegrass country. We can give them a work out,in a fully implemented, Sistrum,shotgun Sonoran rig..Love to hear them...Tom 
I found my ideal interconnect - Sonoran Plateau
Wow,I have been using Sonoran cables now for 6 whole years, the secret is out..The latest verson with Micro-Bearing is the quiet revelation...dynamically coherent. Name one musical instrument made with silver as a primary conductor..scratch hard ?... 
Stands make a huge difference with ProAc
Sand is a storage medium. The sand within the stand has a finite storage capacity. So, where does the overflow of collected resonance go, into the floor back in to the speaker? Does the sand impede and slow the transfer of unwanted resonance away ... 
To couple or decouple? That is the question.
Isolation by nature of materials used is a storage medium. Why would one, find it desireable to have unwanted energy stored in or around their electro-mechanical devices? I think having this unwanted energy present would reduce the efficiency of t... 
Is there any obvious advantage for monoblocks?
Staging will be a plus with mono-blocs. Separate electrical ground plane. And with the correct coupling platform under them an enhanced mechanical ground to earth. They will then react as two separate amplifiers tied together only thru the same ac...