
Responses from theaudiotweak

Townshend Springs under Speakers
Yea my room is freak enough yours is  Plan Nine from outer space..I will send you pictures of the mechanical coupling devices we created at Starsound Technologies so you can create your pantomime version. Or look on line.. Keep up the good work an... 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
Helmholtz as in the Argent Room Lenses I recommended to you a couple years ago..Great devices they are...stage shifters and shapers. Tom 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
Hello Stringreen,Thanks for your consideration of the end button. I know there would be a considerable hassle with the installation of my device unless a luthier was building a new violin or viola or had to remove the top to repair a crack or bass... 
Thiel Owners
Any point or points will work most effectively inside the confines of the outer dimensions of the speaker base. An outrigger mounted to any speaker is to add stability and greatly reduce any chance for a speaker with a high center of gravity from ... 
Thiel Owners
Tom,Thanks for your reply. Not many speakers claim to be aperiodic..Dynaco A series were all of such design. I maybe sold a hundred of these back in the 70's. I new they had great bass for their size but didn't know why then but do now and I am tr... 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
Stringreen,I have designed a new end button for violin. Like my endpins for cello they are highly reactive and responsive to both bow and hand. Private message me if you wish to know more.. Tom 
Thiel Owners
Tom Thiel thanks so much for your journey and updates! Did you or your brother ever consider or build a prototype based on aperiodic enclosure slash vario vent..which when implemented properly seems to greatly reduce the system resonance peak? 
Cable Goop Review George is going to freak!!
Sober reader and retainer of printed information on this website and others. Tom 
Cable Goop Review George is going to freak!!
What makes no sense of any presentation is an over damped system like yours. From the out set it trys to launch a music wave form from a load of lead shot and oil damped sand. Dark and slow from the source.  Like trying to walk thru wet clay...Tom 
Cable Goop Review George is going to freak!!
Same pronunciation of words with different spelling but the same connotation.  Tom 
Cable Goop Review George is going to freak!!
Thats watt eye said previous but with different verbage. Well read you are knot. Tom 
Cable Goop Review George is going to freak!!
Stabilant 22 was formulated by Mike Wright of Dayton Wright audio small hall of fame. Electrostatic speaker pioneer and maker of  conventional time and phase coherent speakers. He used bag or bags of SF6 gas in side the enclosures to emulate a muc... 
Cable Goop Review George is going to freak!!
Elixir 1260 has 8 distinct elements 7 which are conductive metals in nano sized forms. The final element is graphene also as a nano particle all of these are mixed in a conductive polymer suspension. The suspended nano particulates when applied to... 
Cable Goop Review George is going to freak!!
85 % of the total contents of 1260 are rare Earth and precious metals. How much do you have left? Can I buy it from you? Tom 
Thiel Owners
I have an Altmann dac but instead of 1 dac chip I have a tower of 12 with Zfoil resistors all in place powered by an outboard power supply supplemented with a capacitor bank of 100k uf by- passed with film caps all treated with 1260 Elixir. The da...