
Responses from theaudiotweak

Thiel Owners
First up I would reinstall the original inductors back in..then listen again. Inductors of any type are non inear devices. Tom D.  
Thiel Owners
Imhififan, For fun and a further learning experience you should try replacing what certainly appears to be steel fasteners holding your crossovers in place. I would do only 1 at first as my guess would be an imbalance left to right. Probably need... 
Thiel Owners
Tom Thiel with the recent improvements made to my sound system with my laminar devices it has even made the low bass more apparent as a supplement to the soundstage. This has been a noticeable factor to the landscape of soundstage for years with m... 
Thiel Owners
All of this interference is nearly invisible and maybe at this point is not measurable but can certainly be seen in my mind's eye as myself and a friend have listened here and at his house. When I made my port treatment on my recent speaker rebuil... 
I treated my room !
Adrian, I am not at a point to release what I am doing. Looking at your system pictures and the shelf over the top of your front wall I think they would make for a great impact. You have many positions I think that would be additive to the sound.... 
Thiel Owners
I understand Tom Thiel has been working with surface treatment of a speaker baffle to enhance laminar flow while also reducing interfering energy. This energy migrates back and forth on a vibrating surface and causes a pile up of noise that does r... 
I treated my room !
Over the last year I implemented laminar flow devices I have built and placed in strategic front locations of my 27/21/9 ft room . I also have for years now 3 Natural wool panels on the front wall 1 each at the side reflection points. The laminar ... 
Thiel Owners
68 Robert, Thank you for your positive comments earlier today. I was so excited by what I heard today I forgot to answer you.... Tom D  
Thiel Owners
The Mills are a great value at $5.00 but the Path are much better at $25.00.Maybe the Path's are not 5 times better but for me the difference is significant depending on how many are needed. The Paths are closer to the Vishay bridge builds. Tom  
Thiel Owners
I would not change the inductors but would change the resistors to the Path brand or with the Vishay nude resistors and build a bridge so you can reach a 5 to 10 watt power rating..Cost for the Vishay product would be over $100 per position. Other... 
Thiel Owners
I have replaced all the steel fasteners in my system with brass including the circuit board standoffs and mounting screws and transformer lock down bolts, nuts and washers. This is a practice I have applied since the late 80's. thru to this day ev... 
Thiel Owners
And there was a positive sonic benefit correct? The sonics will also benefit with the removal of any steel screw to a  brass replacement. Any fastener holding or near the crossover or binding posts should be brass. Non ferrous materials sound bett... 
About users with hidden agendas
Several people need to walk away from all of this madness. I cannot stand it here. Tom  
Acoustic treatment and acoustic mechanical control over gear upgrade for improvement
All of my room correction is mechanical. Angles on a ceiling portion and angles on a soffit.  No foam in use only real sheeps wool behind cloth covered stretcher bars and only 5 of these in this large room. I use 1 each of the threaded inverted Au... 
High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260
The 1260 sounds better than the Total Contact. Have not tried Rick's new product yet. Tom