
Responses from the_smokester

Need help with Sutherland Ph.D. phonoamp
Steve and Ed,Thank you for your responses. My settings are 60dB and 1000 ohms. I will try the setting you guys suggest when I get home tonight.Again, many thanks.John 
Rega or VPI
If you can get a P25 at that price and at the same time avoid the risk of damage during shipping, then I would say go for it. 
TVC vs. active pre?
Philosophically, it would seem that if you already have enough gain in your system, a passive should just pass on an exact copy of the magnificent sound produced by your source components attenuated down to the intensity of your desires. While it ... 
Tom Waitts Where do I begin?
How about Holly Cole's "Temptation" album? This is a collection of Waits' songs. 
Done and did it again
...keep on rockin'! 
Inactive speakers...some measurements
Okay, I'll bite:Your measurement seems to make sense on the back-of-an-envelope.0 dB of sound intensity is, by definition, 10^-12 W/m^2. This is "accepted" as the threshold of human hearing. If you have 100 dB of sound impinging on the face of you... 
Does tubed gear make your speakers hum/buzz?
Mr. 33,I have had similar problems upon occasion. You might try different tubes to see if they make a difference. The vintage tubes that people make such a fuss about can really make a difference both in reduced noise and in better musical tone. C... 
L.P. Cataloging Sytem Advice
My method:First sort by Genre (classical, jazz, rock, etc.)File classical albums by composer and then album title. The other genres are filed by performer and then album title.I use an Excel spreadsheet to catalogue my collection. I can find anyth... 
How to pick which brand of 6550 tubes to purchase
Issue #19 of the Vacuum Tube Valley Journal has a review of 6550/KT88/KT90 tubes. ranked the sound from each variant in an Air Tight Amp. Unfortunately, I can't find my copy to give you all the results, but this was ... 
Best version of Sonny Rollin's Saxophone Colossus?
I have a Rega P3 loaner with a Koetsu Black cartridge. The 45's are the best I've heard in cases for Analogue Productions where I have been able to make the comparisons directly. 
Do magnets and electronics mix?
Your turn-of-phrase "zero contact under my components" is philisophically inspiring. The magnetic force is nonetheless real and is surely a viable option for isolating your equipment.One of the attributes of such a suspension system could be conti... 
Lamm L2 Vs. Conrad Johnson Art II
Dear Mr 10023,You posted a related question about the ART sometime back and I was the only one that answered since I, too, have the Premiere 16.Glad to see you are making progress. I am still interested in the answer to your questions. Hope someon... 
Is pure class A ss the equal to tubes?
I will go with Nrchy. The more I interact with other audiophiles the more amazed I am that it is a matter of taste. I though I would never go back to tubes but, you guessed it, I got about 35 of them heating up my listening room and they're class ... 
Areil 10t Speaker Repair
The cracking of the artificial stone head on the Aerial 10T's over time is not unheard of. As such it should be considered a design or materials defect. However, you have had six good years from one of the finest speakers in it's price class. It s... 
Is heavy vinyl worth it?
How about Sonny Rollins "Way Out West" at 45 rpm? This limited edition vinyl record can be had for $50.Check out this link: Can one tell the difference? Yes.Is it worth it? I know ma...