
Responses from testpilot

Which parts suppliers are the most helpful and reliable?
IMHO, you have an unrealistic expectations of a parts supplier.  Their job is to supply and get you parts quickly.  Technical specification can be found on the part's manufacture's website.  If you want advice, I would suggest one of the many audi... 
Need help choosing replacement tubes for my 211 SET
Before you invest in changing out the 211 tubes, swap out the 6SN7 driver tubes first as they have a significant impact on the sound of the amp 
Best Tubes on Market today?
Careful, the Shuguang 845C tubes are a low dissipation tube (70W) and are not a direct drop in replacement 845 for some amps.  Do the metal plate glow red when powered?   
Quarantine/Vetting by Admin prior to allowing "Company Is Dead" Threads to go live
Audiogon's only responsibility should be to inform the manufacture/person/entity in question and give them an opportunity to respond directly to the thread.  Heck, we have members who have relationships with manufactures and give them a heads-up w... 
Using paypal for local pickup
Why would you use paypal for a local pickup? The buyer should pay you with cash!Some people don’t want to go to an unfamiliar place with a lot of cash on their person.  
VPI Uni-Pivit Tone Arms
If you have a drop down counter weight, make sure that you did not bump it out of alignment thus causing a shift in sideways balance. Also, if your side weight is touching the platform, you have more of an issue than a slight azimuth imbalance. 
VPI Uni-Pivit Tone Arms
The side azimuth weight (ears) are adjustable and are used to balance the tonearm.  Have you tried adjusting the side weights?  
My tonearm must be wired out of phase
Perhaps you simply had a poor cartridge pin connection.   
VTL amplifier Tube brand
Is VTL’s website down?   
Speaker wants 100 watt RMS. Is 40 watt tube OK?
90db efficiency only tells one part of the story.  How the speaker’s impedance changes over the entire frequency range is very important for tube amp matching.  
Affordable SET's with 211 or 300B tubes, (2000 dolllars maximum)
Unfortunately 211/845 SET amplifiers are not cheap due to the transformers required.   
My Cary amp - the story of a hum and a bug
@fiftyfifty wrote....... I do grant that Cary Audio has responded to all my mails and have been reaching out to help resolve the issue. But on their terms, which are not acceptable to me. In their latest mail received yesterday, they have now agre... 
Buyer is claiming damage that was done by him!
What make you think that the damage was done by the buyer?   
LP12- Power Supply- Need education
@lewm wrote....Mijo, perhaps the modern or updated versions of the Star Sapphire are speed stable, but my late 90s Series III was anything but. That was my experience with SOTA as well. The Phoenix inspired 3 phase SOTA Eclipse motor is an a... 
Merlin VSM Users- Where is the "Warmest" Location of the BAM?
The best position for the BAM is between the source and preamp. The BAM will act as an impedance buffer but the downside will be it will only be inline with one source component.  For multi source systems, Bobby recommended inserting the BAM into ...