
Responses from testpilot

Pass Labs int 250 and int 60
It will depend on how hard the speaker is to drive.   
Pass Labs XA 30.8 Standby power draw?
@kalali, I know that there is a device that plugs into a wall socket and then you plug in the amplifier into the device and it measure the power draw.  
Pass Labs XA 30.8 Standby power draw?
Thanks for the responses.  Yes, 375-400W when powered on is what Pass publishes. I am however surprised by such a low standby draw of only 1/3 watt.  For some reason, I was expecting more of a power draw in standby mode.   
Pass Labs or Devialet
The only advantage that the Devialet 220 has over the Pass is its slim line ergo friendly appearance. This may be an important consideration if the amp is to be used in a multi purpose living space. Imho, on a purely performance basis, the Pass ha... 
VPI's new "Vanquish" Ultra High-End turntable is a STUNNER!
The table's projected price does not make sense when you break it down into its components.  As VPI has done in the past, sometimes they build a statement product just to see if it can be done and hope to take some of their findings and trickle it... 
Reliability of Cary Audio Products
Completely agree.  The current Cary is run by an accountant and it shows. That's why they are still in business :-)  If you ever picked up a phone and talked to either CEO Billy Wright or any other Cary staff member you would know that they are ... 
Beware: New (at least to me) scam being run on Audiogon members
Don't see a scam here at all- no money changed hands, no product was sold, no transaction occurred yet the guy was reported as a scammer and shut down? Multiple shots fired, no one hit, no harm done, no need to report it, just move along......... 
Beware: New (at least to me) scam being run on Audiogon members
Why would someone go to the trouble of creating an Audiogon account for the sole purpose of responding to ad on another audio market other than trying to build false credibility.  
Hooking up a Velodyne DD15 Sub to a Pass Labs Point 8 amplifier
Thanks Al, much appreciated.  
Graham Phantom Supreme 12" - heavier counterweight needed ?!
Good luck getting a response from Graham.  Historically, they have a poor reputation with respect to customer support.  I trully hope that is still not the case today.  
Stylus-Drag..Fact or Fiction?
I am getting a sneaky sensation that phoenixengr just might know a thing or two about TT motors.  
Customs fees Canada = > USA
Please make sure that you are not confusing the terms used when importing goods.  Good shipped from the USA to Canada will be subject to Import/Customs duties which are based on both the origin  of manufacture and the good's general classification... 
What to do with broken McIntosh Pre-Amp
IME, a fully serviced MX114 is just an okay preamp, nothing special other than having a period correct pre to match the 2125 amp.   
I need some turntable guidance
Do you currently have a substantial record collection, or are you starting from scratch?  Will the TT be used primarily as a secondary source?  Do you want a plug and play table?   
Quarantine/Vetting by Admin prior to allowing "Company Is Dead" Threads to go live
With today's technology, no matter how big or small the company, there is absolutely no excuse for a customer not to get an out-of-office email, an appropriate phone recording, or a website splash page informing the customer about their status i.e...