
Responses from terry9

which car is sitting in your listening room?
AMG firetruck. Good mix of reliability, innovation, and performance. 
Re-tipped phono cartridges
@chakster Sometimes the recognition SW doesn't seem to work ...  
Re-tipped phono cartridges
@chaksterAmazing! Thank you! 
New efficient speakers - best way to keep noise floor down?
I would add that ultrasonic cleaning with heroic rinsing in pure water has done a lot for my noise floor. Equal to cartridge and power isolation. 
Re-tipped phono cartridges
@chakster What camera, please? I too would like to monitor my stylus in as much detail as your 'MicroRidge' image.Thanks! 
Weight, Clamp or stabilizer?
Set-up. You can do a lot with set-up, and it's mostly free. 
eqipment on 24/7?
My SS phono/pre 'snaps' into focus after about 15 minutes, and gets better for an hour. Same for my higher end Nak cassette deck.My amps (SS Class A) are much slower. Listenable after an hour, splendid after 10. 
According to the research (e.g. Cox), most rectilinear rooms sound bad, however well they have been constructed. Like 2/3. Almost all of the remaining third are merely OK. Only a tiny proportion, on the order of 1%, are good.Let alone the irregula... 
The best speaker for a small room...at any price point.
You might want to pay attention to the room itself. Data are scanty at such a small room size, but you might want to try 7'9" x 11' x 12'11 1/4". That ratio simulates very well at 50 cubic meters, and you only have 31 or so; but who knows? 
The best speaker for a small room...at any price point.
Davey, I had original Quads and moved to the new series, which give another octave top and bottom, but are no more musical. I modded two pairs of 2905's to improve clarity, and could not be happier. Larger, irregular room.One of my friends has a t... 
Help me pick a turntable set up
I suggest that you consider versatility and ease of set-up. A well set up front end in your price range will out-perform a poorly set up SOTA.A turntable is nothing but a device to turn the vinyl steadily. A tonearm is nothing but a device to hold... 
Worth of current system
I DIY whatever I can, because the sound of quality components is qualitatively superior, and you just can't shoe-horn a vacuum capacitor into anyone's standard box.So I budget for lower high end and spend that on parts. Then I do it my way. 
Top 5 Tonearms Newer or Vintage Under 2500 That Will Beat anything above/below 2.5k?
@harold-not-the-barrel Hello Harold. Just saw your post. I don't like the idea of a nylon interface where I could have a metal-to-metal contact, because I tend to prefer the latter. So I haven't tried the nylon pivot screws.Cartridges are Koetsu R... 
Name Your Top 5 Most Musical Dynamic Sounding Tonearms of All time?
Trans-Fi TERMINATOR, not Triplanar. About $1000 - if they are back in production, which I suspect they are. One of the great bargains in high end. 
Name Your Top 5 Most Musical Dynamic Sounding Tonearms of All time?
One of the greatest benefits of the Trans-Fi is its adjustability. Adjustments are precise and stable. What's the point of a wonderfully engineered product which can't be adjusted for optimum sound?Another great benefit is its tweak-ability. One c...