
Responses from tecknik

Nothing on there web site as of yet. You must be in the know  
How about TAD speaker with Accuphase preamp & amp
I checked and there are at least two running Accuphase 3900 , A 250,s and A200,s with Tad R 1s under the Tad forum on audioaficionado.com  
How about TAD speaker with Accuphase preamp & amp
I think there’s a guy or two running Tad and Accuphase on audio aficionado, could be wrong but check the Accuphase page.  
Affordable vs. ultra expensive speakers - what's the difference?
Expensive speakers like Tidal the tweeter alone I hear are $10.000.00 add the additional drivers, crossover parts which are Dueland , the cabinets are furniture grade, labor I’d say a high end speaker company is making 200% maybe 300% but hey that... 
ISO-PLUS Ethernet RF Filters vs Fiber Optic Cable
I have only tried the accustic revive so I can’t comment on the others but they strip away a lot of the dirt . I’d like to get a couple more for the router side in the future.  
ISO-PLUS Ethernet RF Filters vs Fiber Optic Cable
I use both fmc optical and the accustic revive filters, 3 of them actually fmc to switch , switch to server , server to dac.  
ISO-PLUS Ethernet RF Filters vs Fiber Optic Cable
Accustic Revive has Ethernet filters as will,   
Why I'm not adding a sub to my 2-way monitors for music
With stand mounted speakers it’s critical you have the correct height for your speaker and that’s the foundation of the music that most monitors need , some call it bass which I think it goes beyond that into more reenforced energy and filling up ... 
Cheapest way to enhance SQ with digital streaming
Wharfy , no the fiber cable doesn’t need to be perfectly straight you can put slight long turns in it and if the fiber cable is to long don’t wind it up in a small coil rather loosely rap in say a 1 meter long loop.  
mcontrol: change in behavior?
Airplane mode cuts your internet connection which stops play. No internet connection no music same with my QX5 Twenty when I loose connection it stops play when the current song ends . Its always been that way with my Arye and MConnect  
Grounding cable gauge size
Ozzy, Interesting observation on cable length , I have a lot of different lengths and notice no change and with my amp, I have both the binding post grounded to separate boxes as will has rca to its own box and I hear zero noise from my speakers.... 
Grounding cable gauge size
Hi Ozzie, I’ve been following both this thread and your post on WBF and from what I’ve understood from Peter is he stated multiple gauge silver to achieve a 15 g and that’s what I have been playing with along with different gauges to come to 15 g... 
Network Switches
Jc51373 take your condescending attitude somewhere else.  
Network Switches
Jc51373 I have never had a wal wart outperform a LPS in all my years in this hobby, If you have good for you but I know of no one in this hobby using wal warts either and that’s my experience I’m talking about unlike many when I post it’s based o... 
What makes the biggest difference in sound quality?
Oldhvymec has it correct, electrical is the foundation and  without a proper foundation you will never hear what ur system is capable of . Electrical Room Gear / vibration control Bass / cabling / vibration control Mains / cabling / vibration con...