
Responses from tecknik

Move router far from hifi components?
There are a lot of great LPS available today I just chose the W4S for their versatility , the ability to hook up 4 different units instead of using 4 different wall warts or 4 different LPS, Currently the one W4S comes in handy powering my FMC, Aq... 
Move router far from hifi components?
Highly recommend a LPS for routers, just installed the W4S LPS 1 on my router and it made a big improvement in the back ground, tonality and ambience to the music. Its just sounds right. I also run optical and have the FMC, Net work switch on a se... 
More crazy audio tweaks?
Look at there Best Products,$28.000.00 for 3m speaker cables.$6,400.00 for 1.5 m power cable$4,400.00 for there USB cable. 
Best Capacitors for Crossovers
When rebuilding my Dynaudio S25,s I posted this question on DIY forum and Eric recommended I try the Murdoff MPK,s , I took his advice for the mids and for the tweeters I used the VCap TFTF and CUTFs along with replacing the sand resistors with Mi... 
Dynaudio-Which one should I buy with around $5000.
In really depends on your room size for proper bass with or with out a sub, The Special 25,s should be on your list of auditions and usually can be had for $3000.00. 
Would you like to know about Dunlavy mods?
By the way North Creek Music was sold and is no longer in business, Its a shame George was a great help to us DIY,s and built a crossover for me as well.  
Would you like to know about Dunlavy mods?
I replaced all the sand resistors with Mills and capacitors on my SC4,s years ago and your correct they ,made a huge improvement. I did the same with my Dynaudio S25,s , replaced the sand resistor with Mills, caps with Murdoff MPK and VCap CUTF by... 
Is high end audio to snooty for its own good?
ABSOLUTLEY and many of them are on this site and while their is some valuable info to be gained in which I have been visiting this site on and off the last 30 years its getting more and more snooty lately then in the early ears and thats exactly w... 
Mills MRA two types of different brand ?
Actually your second questions ask how do they sound along with selectric talk about the sound. I was only trying to help excuse me. 
Mills MRA two types of different brand ?
I cant comment on how the newer ones sound compared to the older ones made in the USA but I would not call the newer brown shinny ones slightly dull and warm. I replaced the sand resistors in my Dynaduio S 25,s with them and they do not sound dull... 
whats the very best sounding cables for realistic money
Contact Mel at Crystal Clear Audio, great cable at reasonable prices and use 6N Silver in their Magnum Opus line. You.ll find very few if any manufactures that use 6N silver. 
 I use the Alto Extremo"s, Lyd 1,s , Extremos, extensively thru out my system,DacPre ampAmpSpeakersSpeakers stands  with great results in soundstage, imaging, space and air. Honestly I haven't tried the StillPoints" a little too pricey for me . 
What should I use for filling B&W FS700 speaker stands (for use with B&W 705s)?
I mixed it before and then shook it around has best I could to settle it a bit.  
What should I use for filling B&W FS700 speaker stands (for use with B&W 705s)?
I use a combination of three different material in my Dynaudio stand 6,s comprising of sand, lead shot and kitty litter in equal parts. Check the manufacturers recommendation first on how high to fill the stands up, some recommend 3/4 or their abo... 
Best way to set gain
I agree with your assessment, I have emailed the owner several times and received one response and that was it still alot of good info to be gained. Computer Audiophile is another one.