
Responses from teajay

GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
Hey d2girls,Don't really know what you mean by "lightweight", the #16 has a much bigger power supply then the Pass Labs amps you mention.  I have heard the wonderful Pass Labs amps and the Coda performs at that level and does some things better fo... 
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
Because of reviewing a new piece of gear that is balanced, I changed out my loom of RCA interconnects and went to a full loom of XLR cables because the Coda 07x preamplifier and the #16 are true balanced designs.The system sounded great being run ... 
Another new DAC: Audio Mirror
Hey facten,As I mentioned in the review I have had many DACs that cost at least double the amount of the Audio Mirror piece in my system for review and the SE III out performed them in two key areas.  1) Spatial qualities like image palpability, a... 
Another new DAC: Audio Mirror
Hey Everybody,My review on the Stereo Times website just went up this morning.  It shares all the details why I gave it a very big "thumbs up" and what it did in my system to earn this praise from me.Hope you enjoy reading it. 
Tekton Impact Monitors
Hey tyray,Remember, the DI Monitor is rear ported.  Therefore, if you mean by "bookshelf" that the speaker would have virtually no space between it's ported back and the front wall, it won't function anywhere close to its ultimate level of perform... 
Near Field Listneing
If the drivers will blend, if setup in a near field arrangement, there is a distinct benefit.  All the sound waves that first hit your ears is coming from the speaker transducers.Therefore, you are greatly reducing any room reflections, the reflec... 
Preamp for R2R DACs
Just get the smallest Schitt preamp, it costs around $400, and it will provide the volume control you need. 
Review: Threshold 400a Amplifier
I have a pristine re-capped 400A, a later model with an ICE input, that is part of my collection of Threshold gear.A good friend who loves tube amps, builds his own and their are quite good, burrowed the 400A just for fun to see how it would sound... 
Another new DAC: Audio Mirror
Hey everybody,Just submitted my review on the III SE for Stereo Times website.  I'll let you all know when it will be published.  It was a fun review to do because its a great product! 
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
Yesterday, the owner of a great store in the Chicago land area, Toska Audio, and his wife came over to hear the system being powered by the Coda 07x and #16 combo.  Pete at heart is really a "tube" guy, he wants liquidity, warmth, and full bodied ... 
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
Hey roadwarrior75,On the Tekton and MSMT speakers both the Bricasti M15 and Coda #16 sound terrific. However, for my taste the #16 is more explosive/dynamic, throws a larger sound-stage, and is slightly more detailed without out losing any musical... 
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
On Wednesday a guest listener came over to see/hear the Coda #16 amplifier.  He has heard every generation of this system as new pieces of gear come into it for reviewing of individual components.He immediately noticed three changes/improvements i... 
Completing and old system: suggestions for class A amplifier
Hey tonix,I have a pristine black recapped Threshold, 100 WATT Class A, SA-4e that is totally in spec in my collection for sale. If you are interested, shoot me an Email. 
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
Tomorrow, I'm having some listening guests who contacted me through this thread who want to hear the # 16 amplifier. If there was any burn-in to go through, the # 16 'Killed It" right out of the crate, it's done.  Everything I stated before regard... 
The new NSMT Model 100 Speakers
In the last few days I was sent Emails, along with phone conversations with two individuals who recently purchased NSMT 100's and wanted to share their experiences with me.First, both are enthralled with these speakers, even though they use very d...