
Responses from teajay

Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today
Hey Mike,I have not heard the CSIb with my own ears.  It is a combination of a #8 amp and the baby brother to the 07x preamplifier.  However, I know two people who have it in their systems and love it.If you can you should really try to audition t... 
Bricasti M3 In the house
Hey dpac996,Glad that you are thrilled with the M3's performance in your system.  Just curious, are you a customer of Audio Archon?  Mike is an expert on all aspects of digital gear and Bracasti often refers individuals with questions on their gea... 
Bricasti M3 In the house
Hey Guys,I have in-house the M3 for review for the Stereo Times and find it superlative in its performance.  The one sent to me has the latest board, I'm assuming that dpac996 also purchased one with this upgrade, it's a great combination of terri... 
Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today
Hey mikefi,I'm a big fan of Nelson Pass's creations.  I reviewed professionally the X-250.8 and gave it five stars out of five stars.  I also reviewed and own XA-60.8's and a XA-25.  However, this new generation of Coda's amps are very special.  T... 
Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today
Hey lancelock,Would you be willing to share some of your "listening notes" about the #8 amplifier with us on this thread. 
Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today
Hum arctikdeth,Coda is completely built in America, uses the finest gold plated circuit boards, beautiful chassis, and very high quality internal parts throughout.  Compared to all the other very highly regarded American based companies Coda's amp... 
Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today
Hey everybody,Just want to share I have received over twenty Emails from ecstatic new owners of both the #16.0 and #8 Coda amplifiers.  Such statements that the amps have " the tonality and purity of SET tube based designs, can't believe how quiet... 
Audio reviews: too many analogies, never simple, but most of all, never clear.
Hey mofojo,You tickle my funny bone with this question! I purchased both speakers after reviewing them and use them in my different systems. Which do you like better a Porsche or Ferrari sports car? Oh, I’m sure you believe I have an underhanded a... 
Audio reviews: too many analogies, never simple, but most of all, never clear.
Hey russellrcncom,Great question.  Classical, acoustic jazz, piano, and vocals that are well recorded are excellent for getting a "take" on how a piece of gear renders timbres/tonality, spatial dimensions, micro-details, image density, decays and ... 
Audio reviews: too many analogies, never simple, but most of all, never clear.
Hey roxy54,Thanks for your kind words regarding my reviews.  Just want to inform you I now write for Clement Perry's the Stereo Times website. 
Audio reviews: too many analogies, never simple, but most of all, never clear.
I have written professionally for three different websites ( Hometheaterreview/Six Moons/Stereo Times) over the last ten years. I can honestly state the following:1) I have never been asked to write a positive review because of the need not to off... 
Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today
Hey mrpaul,To answer your questions:1) It's a terrific match with the NSMT 100's.2) Yes, I have the 100's with the built-in amps.3) I never turn off the 16.0.  However, since you can put it into a stand-by mode which keeps the caps charged I would... 
Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today
Hey dep14,I know that Doug had found a better sounding JFET for this generation of Coda gear. However, I do not know which company he sources them from. I'm sure if you called him he would give you all the details. 
Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today
Well d2girls,Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. My review piece is without the meters and I really like its "classy/understated" looks. Would I personally spend another 3K for the meters? I would not. By the way, the cost of the meters is extre... 
Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today
d2girls,Your price on the Pass Labs XA-60.8 mono-blocks is incorrect.  The MSRP price is $13,500.  If your order the 16.0 without meters its MSRP is $13,000. Therefore, price wise it's an "apple to apple" fair comparison.