
Responses from teajay

Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today
d2girls,To answer your question:I own the Pass Labs XA-60.8 mono-blocks, which are great amps, and like the Coda 16.0 better for the reasons I stated in the Stereo Times review. 
Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today
Hey Lancelock,I did not know you are Mike's customer.  He's a great guy and a total expert on all things in high-end audio.  Yep, you could always go up the "chain", but remember your starting high up already with your number #8. 
Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today
Hey lancelock,Believe me you will not be disappointed with your No.8, it's a great amplifier!   
Has anyone compared a Denafrips Terminator to an Audio Mirror Tubadour III SE
The answer to both questions is yes. 
Has anyone compared a Denafrips Terminator to an Audio Mirror Tubadour III SE
Hey Guys,Out of the two guest listeners did bring his Terminator over to hear it in my system compared to the Tubadour III SE DAC. He was some whatshocked how much more the Audio Mirror sounded "analog" with more meat on the bones 3D imaging compa... 
Has anyone compared a Denafrips Terminator to an Audio Mirror Tubadour III SE
I had two visitors who after they came to hear the Tubadour III SE, sold off their Terminator DACs and replaced them with the Audio Mirror.  I wrote a review on the Audio Mirror DAC for Stereo Times, that's why the listeners came over and found th... 
cec tl-5 oem usa version
Hey kully560,I have both transports in-house and the Jay's Audio is the better sounding of the two.  Has the warmth of the CEC, but much better clarity and soundstaging.  It also is built to a much higher standard then the CEC.  It more expensive ... 
Rockna Wavelight thoughts?
If you are looking for a great R2R DAC take a look at my review on the Audio Mirror Tubadour III SE DAC on the website Stereo Times. It retails for $2,500, is beautifully built and is exceptional music maker. By the way I know three listeners who ... 
Wanted to share that I have the M3 in-house for review for the Stereo Times website.  So far the M3 is offering a superlative rendition of any music I'm auditioning it with.  Besides, the unbelievable build quality that runs through all Bricasti e... 
Best Preamp round $8000
I have heard both preamps that you want feedback on and I’m not a fan of either of them.The best tube based preamp, which was my reference for three years is the Linear Tube Audio reference $4,500, based on the ZOTL circuit of the genus David Bern... 
Border Patrol S vs MHDT Orchid
Yes, I have heard them both and hands down the MHDT Orchid is a much better music maker.  Read my review on Six Moons website on the Orchid for details. 
Mhdt Labs Orchid
Look at the review on the Orchid that I did for Six Moons.com. 
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
My go to wires are still the Black Cat Coppertones.  However, because of a new DAC I have in for review which is truly balanced, along with the 07x and 16.0 being truly balanced designs also, I'm having great success using different XLR cables in ... 
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
I just wrote and submitted my review on the 16.0 to my editor at Stereo Times website last night.  I have had in-house many terrific amplifiers for reviewing and personal pleasure.However, the 16.0, teamed up with its stable mate 07x preamplifier,... 
SIMPLY AMAZING: Coda Technologies 07x Preamplifier
Hey Mike,I'm really glad that you are enjoying the 07x in your system.  Last night I wrote my review for Stereo Times on the Coda 16.0 amplifier.  Hopefully, it will be published in the near future.  The reason I'm sharing this is the combo of the...