
Responses from tatyana69

Is Meridian dead as a product company?
A few years ago I was 100% Meridian. 861 processor, 800dvd, 8000 speakers, 5500 speakers and more. I found the set up was so cack-handed and unreliable it was to expensive to keep calling someone  in to make simple changes. Eventually I am now min... 
Elton John - such great music - such poor recordings. I have almost every vinyl reissues,180g, remastered etc etc looking for the holy grail -but always disappointed. Compare with Leonard Cohen and Joan Baez recordings (Vanguard outrageously good ... 
Best Record Cleaning Fluid
Quite a few responses about home made stuff. but not relative opinion on off the shelf purchases - maybe 2 recommendations? For a simple person like me I can only glean one or two options, when the original poster though there were many off the sh... 
Musicians in your living room vs. you in the recording hall?
Can I disagree with many here. I am not sure any composer (or few) wrote their music with a view to judging it in a concert hall or "pop" venue. They wrote it as an artistic (hopefully) piece, that was constructed to satisfy their own "minds eye",... 
Streamer choices
I disagree with the comments about 320 streaming. In my experience a budget streamer does not produce as "good" a sound as a "higher" streamer regardless of bitrate. I have for example a DCS Upsampler and  that seems to drag lower quality sound in... 
Theoretical question about how CD's work
Ah snake oil accusations took their time to get into this thread ... amazing! Next ... 0 and 1 sound the same in any cable no matter what ... stand by ... oh dear 
Weight, Clamp or stabilizer?
I posted before, that I put a stillpoints clamp on my Avid Acutus Dark, and no longer do so. This is because the clamp made the sound somewhat duller ... lost its musicality and airiness. In my system is a waste of £400 
Should I keep the Turntable or sell it?
I repeat my comment I made in another thread. I bought a Technics 1200G and was very disappointed. I put on it "supposedly" superior arm (triplanar) and cartridge (BenzLP). My Linn LP12 built by AudioOrigami was to my ears substantially  better in... 
What is the best BNC Digital Cable under $4,000?
mzkmxcv749 posts06-01-2019 11:21pm@cleeds Ones going against data should offer up the proof. Can you find any studies that show a $30 digital cable and a $3000 digital cable have tonal differences? I’m unfortunately not well off enough to be abl... 
Who Has the New Top Technics SL1200GRE? Does it blow your other expensive tables away?
vinny55 - I have just looked at your posts. You only make pretty wide and opinionated comments with no foundation of examples. Vacuous.Message to the moderators - can my viewings of post be tailored to exclude this individual and waste of space pl... 
Who Has the New Top Technics SL1200GRE? Does it blow your other expensive tables away?
vinny55 @tatyana69 i dont beleive you have either table or anything audio period. Then you are mistaken. Why do you make such a stupid comment?I don't have anything audio? Again crass. Why bother posting eh?The Technics was far drier, lack of ... 
Who Has the New Top Technics SL1200GRE? Does it blow your other expensive tables away?
I sold mine pretty damn quick. Very inferior to my Linn LP12 + similar arm and cartridge 
How much does volume matter when breaking in amps and cables?
Geoffkait -  "Use blankets or jeans over speakers to mute the sound"Good grief are you fat or what? 
looking for ideas on must have classical music
Steer clear of  Herbert Von Karajan The dullest and dreeriest conductor ever 
Distortions that the human ear likes. Are there any ?
Moving the discussion sideways, I bought an Avid Acutus Dark turntable recently. It came with a "stabiliser"  or puck for a shorter word to sit on the record to apparently enhance the sound (rerduce distortion??)  Not sure of the theory, but I sup...