
Responses from talon4

Pass Labs 350.5 or 600.5 owners--breakin time.....
Hi Tboooe, At about 300 hours on the amps, I tried a Shunyata Anaconda Alpha Helix on each amp-(borrowed from the Cable Company).The Anacondas made the bass fuller with more bass "sustain" and detail, helped the mids somewhat in clarity and musica... 
Pass Labs 350.5 or 600.5 owners--breakin time.....
Hello, I've waited a while to make sure of my findings... My Pass Labs 600.5 amps now have about 900 hours on them. At 650 hours the amps started to became more musical, clear, detailed, layered and 3 dimensional. It took another 100 hours more af... 
Need your help finding a pair of speakers.........
Correction to 12/27/06 post: First, I'd like to say that part of my post should have gone under Tech Talk and shouldn't have been piggybacked on this thread... Second, After looking under the hood of my subpanel, I realized that the order of my gr... 
Need your help finding a pair of speakers.........
Hi Ginas, I have a couple of suggestions... The first is professional room treatment, as has already been suggested. The second is dedicated power, if you don't already have it. I'd look at LAK and CINCIBOB's systems here on Audiogon. If you go wi... 
How good is the Shunyata Venom Silver A/C outlet?
Hi Sherod, The only other outlets that I have tried were a couple JPS Labs outlets. They were in my system for about 1 year. I found the JPS Labs outlets to be smooth with a slight tube-like sound, but it didn't resolve near as well as the Shunyat... 
How good is the Shunyata Venom Silver A/C outlet?
Hi Sherod, I had the old style Shunyata Venom Silver outlet. I sold it about 6 months ago and replaced it with another Wattgate 381. Presently, I have one Isoclean ICP-002J outlet for my sources and three Wattgate 381 outlets for my Pass Labs gear... 
What is the voltage at your receptacle?
Hi Jim and Arthur, My electrician measured the receptacles without a load connected. I have no idea what kind of multimeter he used. I'll be buying a multimeter in the next few days to recheck my receptacles. What is true RMS? Thanks for writing. ... 
Wadia 861se with GNS vs Esoteric or Emm players
Rhyno, Contact Steve at Great Northern Sound concerning the differences. He'll send you a breakdown as to what is done for each upgrade--Basic, Reference, Statement--and also what to expect as to the improvement in sound. Steve emailed all this to... 
Oyaide outlets
Rhyno, From my experience, my Isoclean ICP-002J--(now replaced by the ICP-003) holds just slightly above average. I still had to add some upper holding support-(a string) to hold my Shunyata powercord in place. On the other hand, my Wattgate 381 o... 
Oyaide outlets
Hi Alan, That was eloquently stated. If I decide to try an Oyaide outlet, you get my vote. Sorry to put you on the spot. Best wishes. Cheers, Stan 
Oyaide outlets
Hi Alan, Thanks for the clarification. How do they compare to the Isoclean or Wattgate outlets? Stan 
Wadia 861se with GNS vs Esoteric or Emm players
Thanks for all your responses. After weighing everything out and talking to Steve @ GNS, I've decided to send my 861se in for the Statement upgrade in early January. Steve said that the 581 is a better cd player in some ways, but the 861se with St... 
Oyaide outlets
Hi Monk, I didn't know that the Oyaide outlets couldn't take a 10 gauge wire. Thanks for the info. I'm running a dedicated subpanel with four 8' runs of 10 gauge Romex 10/2 from the subpanel to the wall outlets. I'll never use 12 gauge wire again ... 
Oyaide outlets
Hi Guys, I'm rather late in joining this thread, but I was wondering how the Oyaide outlets stacked up against the Wattgate 381 and the Isoclean Ag wall socket ICP-003G-(Isoclean's newest outlet)? I have had both, the Wattgate 381 outlets and the ... 
Wadia 861se with GNS vs Esoteric or Emm players
Hi Btstrg. I'm trying to stay away from new buys. I figure that, if I sell my Wadia 861se and add 2-3k cash, I should have about 7-9k to work with. The Reference upgrade for the Wadia is $1850. Although, I could get the 581 and get the upgrade lat...