Responses from talon4
Want to buy an Audio Dharma cable cooker Hi John, Thanks for your response! Everything that I've read about it seems to be positive. I talked to Alan late today. I'm seriously thinking of buying a unit early next week. I know that the Cable Company has two units that are running 24/7 on ... | |
Preamps with two pairs of balanced outs? Pass Labs X 0.2 has two balanced outputs | |
Switching Wadia 581 between CD & SACD layers? Hello Khalid, I'd skip using the stop function and go straight to the mode button once the player is done loading. I did this with several hybrid cd/sacd's just now. I was able to switch layers each time I pushed mode. I did this several times on ... | |
Switching Wadia 581 between CD & SACD layers? Hi Aurlieus, I have a Wadia 581se. Concerning hybrid discs, I'm not sure why the Wadia goes into loading and then cues up one mode over the other, but to change to the other layer simply stop the player and push the "mode" button. I just tried it ... | |
Helix or Alpha It's also very important to run a good powercord between the wall and Hydra. What powercord are you using on your Hydra 8 between wall and Hydra now? I have an original Shunyata Hydra and I'm running a Shuyata Anaconda Helix Alpha powercord betwee... | |
Oyaide R1 Burn In Time Hello Phillyb, What you're describing is what I ran into during the summer last year. I put the R-1's on a fridge, tv and freezer for about 2 weeks and then installed them in my system. I had three R-1's and was also running the WPC-Z outlet cover... | |
PS Audio GCPH and Pass X0.2 not talking? I'd give Pass Labs a call. Assuming that you are using RCA's from your phono preamp to X O.2, did you use Pass's shorting pins in the XLR's? Looking at the unit from the rear, each shorting pin should angle to the right. In other words, from the b... | |
WBT-210 NextGen RCA female gold vs silver ? Thanks Whatjd! I'm replacing the original RCA's and the MR71 was built sometime between 1963 and 1969. There's no telling what type of metallurgy was used in the RCA's back then. My gut instinct says that there's alot of nickel in the original RCA... | |
WBT-210 NextGen RCA female gold vs silver ? Hi Whatjd, I'm curious how the bloom, bass and bass slam (dynamics) are with the silver? It's for a tubed (14 tubes in all) and reworked McIntosh MR71 fm tuner that has a slightly warm sound, so maybe the silver would work well. Thanks! Best regar... | |
audiophile grade sub panel and breakers? DaddyO brought up a good point about Equi-Tech. When I was researching dedicated power a few years ago, I went to Equi-Tech's website and down loaded the following white papers: "Installing a Technical Grounding System", "Lifting the Grounding Eni... | |
audiophile grade sub panel and breakers? The grounding rods should read "spaced 10' apart", not 10". I went to correct it, but Jj2468 posted as I was making my change. I've done alot with dedicated power, including installing a NEMA box next to my electric meter. It's all on my system pa... | |
audiophile grade sub panel and breakers? I run a 100 amp 8 position Square D QO sub panel. I use four of the eight 20 amp breakers and keep all four on the same phase. Better grounding at your electric meter helps alot too. I'm using two 10' 3/4" grounding rods, spaced 10" apart, and con... | |
Has Anyone heard The Wadia 581i se CD player? Hello Jppenn, There are over a dozen modifications done during a Statement upgrade, which includes damping the interior of the box, installing blackgate caps and installing a new board. I used to have a file of the breakdown from Great Northern So... | |
Best jazz or blues female vocalist ever Gentlemen, Thanks again for all the great responses. I've just ordered two cds... "Sarah Vaughan with Clifford Brown" circa 1954 Universal Records (Japan) & "No Count Sarah" circa 1958 Mercury (Japan). Both are recent Japanese remasters. I'm l... | |
Has Anyone heard The Wadia 581i se CD player? I own a Wadia 581se with Great Northern Sound Statement upgrade. Unfortunately, I've never heard the unit as a stock unit. My player is the best digital playback that I've had in my system. Previous players are: Emm Labs CDSA-SE, Wadia 861se with ... |